Teenagers and the sense of belonging

Teenagers and the sense of belonging

raise a teenager

Raising a teenager is one of the most challenging jobs you will face. It is also one of the most important moments of their lives. It is so imperative that you begin to recognize that they are not just teenagers, they are pre-adults and if you treat them with the right amount of recognition and respect, they will rebel. This is when the most dangerous and challenging behaviors develop.

It’s important to realize that, unlike other stages of your child’s life, you are laying the foundation for his or her adulthood. They need to learn some decision-making skills and start making some adult decisions. While still under the protection of parents.

decision maker

It is important that they are responsible for their decisions and they must understand that every decision they make has good and bad consequences.

Rules should be concise

Parents need to make concise rules with clear consequences. At the age of 20, the brain is fully developed, so before that their brains still have to grow. They live at a time when adults can look ahead to weigh their actions against the effect of the decisions they make. My 17-year-old daughter is a prime example of this. She and her friends got ready for the night and within 15 minutes of leaving, her plans can change 3-4 times. All it takes is for another friend to have a “better idea.”

When your children are two and three years old, you learn to pick your battles. Not all battles are worth it and tantrums are not worth it. The same is true when it comes to a teenager. Make sure it’s worth fighting for, and as far as tantrums go, you haven’t seen anything until you stop your teen from doing something “all the other kids” are doing.

Don’t overreact to everything. They need your strong gifts that they know they can count on. They need to know that they can trust you to be there for them, even when they think they don’t need you. They need to know that no matter what, they have their back. They’re going to make a lot of mistakes, but try to remember that you were their age once and you made mistakes. We cannot prevent them from making mistakes and there are times when they need to make mistakes in order to learn. Good decisions have positive consequences; Bad decisions have negative consequences.

Be a good example by following the law as much as possible. If you break the law, even what you consider to be “just stretching it out or saying the law is stupid,” you are showing your disrespect for authority. A perfect example would be “the law says teens with provisional licenses can’t drive after 8:00 p.m. You think it’s a stupid law and let your kid drive home after a game that ended at 8:30.” p.m”. You’ve just taught them that if the law doesn’t seem to benefit them, it’s okay to go against it, even just a little bit. Don’t send that kind of message to your kids.


There are decisive factors in the life of your teenager. Natural consequences for minors who drink and break the law are not appropriate. These things are simply not acceptable and can be dangerous. You should stop this kind of behavior as soon as you notice these things coming up.

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