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Tarot and your spiritual progress

Tarot and your spiritual progress

“What can I do to be more spiritual?” my Tarot client asked me. I leaned back in my chair and smiled to myself because Tarot is a great divination system for these kinds of queries, but not many people ask questions of this nature. While I enjoy answering the usual questions about romance, career, and money, it’s more satisfying to use Tarot on a deeper level. The sincerity that shone in my client’s eyes showed that she had an intense desire to gain a deeper understanding of her life and the universal laws that governed her. “Can your Tarot cards tell me if I’m on the right track?” she asked. “Yes,” I replied, “We can see where you are now, and also which direction will be best for you.”

In a low voice, she added, “Sometimes it seems so simple to think of spirituality as just being nice to yourself and others, but I feel there must be more to spiritual life than this. I mean, what is spirituality? What does it mean?” does it mean to be a spiritual person? I think I really want to know if I’m getting the most out of my life and if I’m doing enough in this world to make a difference.”

The Major Arcana cards of the Tarot are a fascinating series of archetypal images that are full of spiritual symbolism. From these cards you can get significant information about your spiritual progress. Even drawing a card from the deck can give a useful idea. For example, the card called The Fool tells you that spirituality doesn’t have to be too serious. Relax, be adventurous and have fun to clear your energy centers.

When The Hermit comes out of the deck, he is telling you that spirituality is a personal journey. Don’t feel like you have to share this experience with others, as they can only find the right path when they search for it. Some are not ready to join you on this quest, so allow those individuals to find their own way, in their own time. People can only truly learn through their own experiences.

Justice suggests having balance in your life. Instead of giving all your energy to others, take some time for yourself. Know how to receive, so that the spiritual energy truly flows. Temperance tells you not to overeat or get carried away with anything. On the other extreme, if you’re exercising or fasting, remember to use moderation here too. The Sun reminds you to read positive affirmations at the beginning of the day and before you go to bed. Reading inspirational words every night can help you dream of your perfect life. Realize that all great achievements began as a vision or dream in one person’s mind.

The card called The World asks you to meditate on the gratitude you have for the many blessings you have. Be grateful for your abundance and affirm that you are open to all possibilities to enhance prosperity. There is no easy way to measure how spiritual you are. It can’t be measured by how psychic you are, or how strange your clothes are. It cannot be calculated from how many times you meditate each day, or how poor you are. Spirituality is only revealed through your thoughts, words, actions, and the level of peace and contentment you have in your life. Even the Tarot cards can’t really tell you how spiritual you are, but the Major Arcana cards can give you a guide to improve your spiritual progress.

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