Health Fitness
Swelling, it’s a vessel

Swelling, it’s a vessel

At our Panama City chiropractic office, a common problem I see in patients is inflammation. Inflammation is one of the major health problems, as it can be the source of many conditions (including back and neck pain) and diseases that we see in both the relatively young and the elderly. Hopefully, this short article will help you better understand inflammation and why it’s important to stop it before it gets out of control.

The four cardinal signs of inflammation are:

flushing or redness

Tumor or Inflammation

Heat or Heat (this is where we will focus)

Pain or pain

There are two main types of inflammation: acute (which is a natural response to certain traumas and is necessary to help the body heal) and chronic. For the purposes of this article we will be talking about chronic and uncontrolled inflammation. The chronic form of inflammation damages cells and proteins in our bodies and leads to a host of diseases and painful conditions, from rheumatoid arthritis to asthma and degenerative bone conditions. To keep things simple and to give you a general idea of ​​inflammation, I want to give you two analogies for how it works in your body. Cooking the egg and the clay pot.

Cooking the Egg: Have you ever cooked a raw egg? Well then remember that the raw egg is very different from the fried or boiled egg. The difference is the protein application of heat changes. The faster the heat application, the faster protein denaturation occurs. Remember when cooking an egg that heat changes the proteins to a different nature.

Crock Pot Analogy: The same process of protein damage and change occurs when you cook meat in a crock pot. The original state of meat is raw, but when meat is subjected to even slow cooking, it changes the meat from raw to cooked over time. The meat is changed forever. It tears and cuts more easily and changes color. (Try this for yourself when you have a piece of steak. Look at the texture and pliability of raw meat and compare it to cooked meat and you’ll see how easy it is to tear and separate the cooked product. I know we do not like to think about we eat meat ourselves but ask any bear or lion and they will tell you…we are meat to them NOW here’s the BIG PICTURE: when you have chronic inflammation “you” are cooking your meat as seen in the picture As of this article, they’re actually cooking their tissues like a steak or an egg, but at a much slower rate, so instead of 6 hours in a crock pot, we’re cooking for 5-10 years on low heat. POT Our bodies function best at certain temperatures and even the extra 2-3 degrees that inflammation brings (remember Heat-heat) added to an area is enough over time to cook your egg and remember you can’t decook the egg.

In my next articles I will be discussing:

Inflammatory foods…gas on fire:

Reduce inflammation naturally:

Fish oil and the omega 6 and omega 3 fatty acid pathway:

I look forward to this simple explanation of how uncontrolled inflammation damages your body’s tissues and why it’s so important to correct this process as soon as possible to prevent long-term damage.

So make sure you don’t let the egg cook or get the yolk all over you.

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