Health Fitness
Somatipos – What type of body are you?

Somatipos – What type of body are you?

No exercise program is right for everyone, however some exercise routines may be more suitable for those with specific body shapes or “body types.” An assessment of your body type involves your physical shape and appearance, muscle balance, and digestive and nervous systems to better determine which routine may work best based on your shape and metabolism.

Anthropometry refers to the measurement of people for the purpose of understanding human physical variation. This plays an important role in clothing design, ergonomics, architecture, and other areas where statistical data on the distribution of body dimensions are used to optimize products. Anthropometric data collections are regularly updated as changes in lifestyle, nutrition, and ethnic composition of populations lead to changes in the distribution of body dimensions.

William Sheldon is the pioneer behind a classification system called “somatypes” that associates body types and temperament. His theory proposed three basic body types and associated them with a set of personality characteristics. Today, Sheldon’s description of the three body types influences our understanding of weight loss, exercise, and body development. The three types of Sheldon are as follows:

1. Endomorph –

Endomorphs tend to be pear-shaped and prone to being overweight. Their hips are usually wider than their shoulders. They gain weight easily and have trouble losing weight. They are creatures of comfort, routine, and habit. They enjoy interacting with others, especially if the social event involves food. Research has shown that people with this body type are prone to health problems such as addiction, substance abuse, depression, bipolar and panic attacks. Endomorphs should focus on a high level of cardiovascular activity with light weight training to boost their metabolism.

2. Mesomorph –

Mesomorphs tend to have a strong, muscular physique, athletic build. They can build muscle and lose weight relatively easily. Your shoulders are generally wider than your hips. They are dynamic, outgoing, strong-willed and energetic people, known for being risk-prone, sporty, and competitive. If the goal is to lose weight, mesomorphs must perform cardiovascular work of longer duration and greater intensity. Since it is easy for this body type to build muscle, they should exercise with moderately heavy weights with higher repetitions.

3. Ectomorph –

Ectomorphs tend to be underweight, slim, or lean. They have narrow hips and shoulders. They are artistic by nature, sensitive, self-aware, and socially reserved. Ectomorphs have trouble gaining weight and building muscle. People with this type should get enough cardiovascular exercise to work their heart and lungs, but not to the point where they are losing weight. If your goal is to build muscle, weight training needs to be heavier. Of particular importance is weight training so that the upper body maintains uniform proportions.

Most of us are not stereotypical endomorphs, mesomorphs, or ectomorphs. Instead, we tend to be a combination of at least two of these body types. Whatever your body composition, it shouldn’t decrease your ability to exercise. By understanding which type is most like you, you can use it as the basis for designing an exercise program that can best help you achieve your fitness goals.

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