Sex: a medicine for many diseases

Sex: a medicine for many diseases

Sex is believed to be a medicine for many diseases. On the one hand, sex in married life brings happiness, pleasure, belonging between couples, while on the other hand it also maintains the health and beauty of the couple. Through this, many types of hormones arise in the body that help the body maintain health and beauty. When having sex, the amount of endorphin hormone increases, which makes the skin look beautiful, smooth and glowing. Second, the estrogen hormone is a miracle for the body that experiences unique pleasure and also has more excitement, enthusiasm and confidence. Those who abstain from this suffer from shame, inhibition, and stress. Regular sex is a good way to refresh your mind and relieve stress. Keeps you away from heart disease, mental stress, blood pressure, and heart attacks. Those who flee from this suffer more from these diseases.

Sex is a type of exercise and does not require a special type of expensive exercise equipment, shoes, or clothing. This exercise removes the stretch from the muscles of the body and makes the body flexible. One act of sex is more effective than 10 to 20 rounds of strenuous exercise or swimming. Sex is also said to be very helpful in overcoming obesity. Through it sexual energy is consumed, which reduces fat. In a single sexual activity, between 100 and 500 calories of energy are expended.

Sex is an effective treatment for headache, migraine, narrowing of the cerebral veins, etc. Instead of fidgeting in bed or taking a night walk on the balcony in case of insomnia, initiate sexual activity with a companion lying in bed. Then you will see that it will not take long for you to snore. A woman, who regularly supports her husband in sexual intercourse, keeps away from all menstrual disorders.

Plus, if done late at night, it feels refreshing throughout the day. It is not about limiting sex only to vaginal intercourse, but also incorporating small fragments of your daily routine, laughter, teasing, caressing, hugging and kissing, only then will sexual intercourse be considered complete. It should be noted that sex with your wife or husband not only maintains health and beauty, but is also beneficial in many ways. While, on the other hand, illegitimate sexual relations with prostitutes can cause the appearance of many diseases such as AIDS, mental disorders, heart disease, insomnia, coldness, etc. If you are unable to have satisfying or satisfying sex and are concerned about any weaknesses or complaints related to sexual activity or sex time, you can seek medical assistance for the same. However, this is the most common question of all: how long should the time of sex be? Doctors have different opinions on this. Some doctors believe that the duration of sex should be 3 to 4 minutes, while others believe that it should be done for 15 minutes after penetration into the vagina.

In my opinion, the ideal period of sexual intercourse should be one in which both the man and the woman can reach the climax of arousal and both can obtain the physical and mental pleasure of sex. If at the time of sexual intercourse between a man and a woman, both ejaculate before climaxing and neither fully enjoys the relationship, then their marital life becomes useless. In this case, one gets divorced or the woman receives support from another man. In such a situation, the advice of a qualified doctor can be sought, so that after receiving permanent treatment, both husband and wife can be completely satisfied and happily pass their married life.

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