Seven ways to make a contribution to your favorite charity instead of a donation

Seven ways to make a contribution to your favorite charity instead of a donation

Let’s take a look at what you can do besides donating money:

Social networks:

Here are a couple of actions to take using social media to spread the word and raise awareness:

  • Change your profile picture and header to show the charity you support.

  • Like the cause’s Facebook page.

  • Follow the organization on Twitter.

  • Follow the charity on Instagram.

  • Share the charity’s videos posted on YouTube.

  • Share posts, images and information online.

Talk about it:

Talk about the charity to friends and family. Tell them you are making a contribution instead of just a donation. Back on social media, post about the campaign on your social media and invite others to spread the word. Wear a t-shirt in support of the charity and invite people you know to join you in your effort.

Make a promise:

Make a video or written commitment to support the cause.

Engage local media:

Write a story and publish it on your own blog, website or in a local newspaper, or ask your local paper to run a feature that supports the cause or raises awareness for the charity.

art projects:

Involve local schools by suggesting some type of art project that can be displayed in the hallways of the local school to raise awareness of the charity or cause in question.

Celebrities/Public Figures:

Reach out to celebrities or public figures and ask your PR or media liaison officer to support the cause, even if they only post about it on their website.

Student groups or sororities:

If you have a campus or college/university nearby, contact student organizations and ask if they would be willing to support your selected charity, even if you just wear a t-shirt or hat to support. You may be surprised to find that students are always willing to support a good cause and may even walk the extra mile for charity.

These ideas are just a drop in the bucket when it comes to the number of things one could do to provide support and assistance instead of just giving money.

Great ideas sometimes spawn new ones that motivate readers of this article to take action and get involved in their local community projects or a charity of their choice. Most of us are inclined to just open our wallets, give a dollar or two and move on. But taking the time, using your skills, helping local communities cope with their workload, or simply raising awareness is worth more than the money you would donate to the organization.

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