Lifestyle Fashion
Relieve pain in the joints, back, hips and legs

Relieve pain in the joints, back, hips and legs

After hearing your description, I believe that the best way to deal with your pain is on another level.

In your detailed description you describe your broken dreams and I feel that these broken dreams are now the cause of the increasing complexity of your external symptoms.

By learning to dream again, especially if you use your imagination, your creativity and your passion for life, you can rebuild your body from the inside.

Your dreams directly affect the pattern of your energy body, in which your physical body grows.

Every cell in your body changes: some change daily, some change weekly; so almost every cell in your body changes at least every seven years. Every cell in your body becomes the electromagnetic field or energy blueprint that you have created for your body through your dreams, visualizations, passion, and desire.

When you dream, you connect your consciousness with the universal life force, which flows from your spiritual essence or energy source outwards.

When you dream, your consciousness is in a place where anything is possible. Therefore, forget your current reality and go deep into your heart and learn to dream your dreams as if everything is possible.

This is like working on a plant, at the sap level. The clear and colorless sap is what forms the hard stem, the soft leaves and the beautiful flower. It is your spiritual essence, your dreams, your self-image and your self-love, that creates your energy blueprint, in which your physical body grows.

Therefore, move your attention away from your pain and focus on your spiritual essence, creating in your mind beautiful dreams and experiences that will bring you great joy and happiness.

You still have the ability to have beautiful music in your life. It may be that your energy has to flow in a different way, perhaps teaching others to become your fingers and ears.

By teaching others, your dreams can be realized by combining them with those of other people who are actually part of you. Give yourself the freedom to dream the wildest and most unlikely dreams, knowing that you have the divine alchemy to create them as a Part of All That Is.

Focus your energy on what is still working within your body and use it to allow your music to flow.

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