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Painting kitchen cabinets can be much more affordable than a complete renovation.

Painting kitchen cabinets can be much more affordable than a complete renovation.

Among all your stuff and items in the kitchen, the ones that take the most beating would be your kitchen cabinets. Therefore, for many homes, the need to replace them really comes with no choice. But you can save much more time and money by simply painting your kitchen cabinets.

When you decide to do this task yourself, things can actually be much more affordable than the actual replacement or renovation project would cost. Furthermore, it would also be a daunting task to find higher quality cabinets than the first ones you had. Not to mention that you would also have to consider the cost of installation that this would require.

Apart from painting the kitchen furniture, another way to make it look like new is by changing doors or fronts. Some just settle for a renovation project or top it off with a new varnish. But even so, this could cost a lot more than simply choosing to repaint.

Imagine the cost of painting materials would be around $200. You’ll just be forced to spend more if you hire a painter instead of just turning it into a DIY project that you and your family can do together. Furthermore, you can also make this time serve as bonding time between you and your family members.

However, also keep in mind that the highest quality kitchen cabinet paint may not always be the best solution for making cabinets look their best. This is especially true if you started out with the kind of cheap cabinets that easily become brittle with age.

Panels that are veneered with some vinyl wrap can easily peel or delaminate after a while. On the other hand, undersized particleboard bottoms can warp or crack. Even hanging rails attached to upper cabinets can also become loose over time.

So it is better that you first evaluate the real and current state of your cabinets in the kitchen. If you see that the damage is not so serious, then you can settle for painting the kitchen furniture instead of opting for a total reform. Truly, a fresh coat of paint can make a world of difference anywhere in your home, and that includes your kitchen and cabinets.

Just make sure that before you start your painting task, you have to prep the entire room so you don’t mess up the other parts that don’t need painting. Then set up a good place for all the materials and make sure to keep things organized throughout the homework process.

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