The 6 best types of food for good sex

Improving your sex life can be so much easier. You don’t need to gorge yourself on those mostly medically unproven aphrodisiacs. What you need to do to have a strong sex life is simply let your body digest a wide range of vitamins and nutrients from your daily diet. The basic requirement for a healthy sex life is to have […]

Plato, Pygmalion and my fair lady

In our time, the best known include William S. Gilbert, who wrote about two characters he called Pygmalion and Galatea. With music by his equally famous partner, Arthur Sullivan, his play was the hit of the 1871 London comic opera. Renowned Irish writer George Bernard Shaw took the idea into the realm of higher art with a work entitled ‘Pygmalion’ […]

What Makes Women’s Process Servers Successful?

Women have a specific advantage as process servers over men: their gender. Defendants in action are often wary of document delivery. Naturally, they fear the consequences of accepting documents. Fears of financial ruin, embarrassment, and how they will defend themselves are common. Many Defendants awaiting document delivery anticipate a man who will intimidate them and perhaps create a scene in […]

How to make your wife say ‘yes’ to anal sex!

Getting your woman to accept anal sex can be a very difficult bone to break, especially if she hasn’t tried it before or had a bad experience in the past. If you want to take your sex life to a new level, then anal sex may be something worth considering. How can you get your wife to have anal sex […]

Benefits of a Delta Cordless Drill

Delta Cordless Drill If you are looking for a new Delta drill, you might be wanting to go all out and get the most bang for your buck. When it comes to drilling holes into concrete, steel or other solid objects Delta is one of the better known brands. And if you own a drill, chances are that you have […]

Ways to get to Belize: entry and exit

Belize is the only English-speaking British Commonwealth country in Central America. Nestled between Mexico and Guatemala, Belize opens its heart to the Caribbean Sea. Very close to the United States and Canada, only a couple of hours of flight will bring you here. Enjoy activities such as hiking, horseback riding, bird watching, caving, canoeing, kayaking, rafting, tubing, diving, and fishing […]

Creating a focal point with bookshelves and shelves

If you’ve ever wondered why your room isn’t working, you might be missing a focal point. A focal point can be a fireplace, a grand piano, a spectacular view, an impressive piece of art, a textured wall, or anything else that grabs your attention when you enter the room. If you don’t have any of those attractions, a wonderful way […]

You’re a "Insy" or year "Outsy"?

I don’t know if there is a scientific correlation between belly button types and personalities, but casual observation tells me that belly buttons and personality types follow the same distinctive patterns: both belly buttons and personalities come in “insy” and “outsy. “” variations. Just as there are “insy” and “outsy” navels, there are inward and outward directed personality types. The […]

How to treat bed bug bites

Scientists have revealed the preliminary description of bed bug sialoma: proteins in saliva that allow bed bugs to feed on humans without fatal retaliation. Bed bugs belong to a group of parasitic insects that feed on blood. Your success in eating without discomfort depends in part on the protein in your saliva. These substances cause the host’s blood vessels to […]