How to feed a Bengal cat

Feeding a Bengal cat is as easy as feeding any other cat. Pretty. That is, after accounting for their often quirky likes and dislikes. Known for being quite a stubborn and stubborn breed of cat, once you work out the parameters of what your Bengal will allow you to feed them, you’ll be on the run. Feeding your Bengal straight […]

Wintering birds – Food

Feeding birds in winter with recipes Attract wintering birds to your yard by offering tallow feed during cold weather. Not only will you be doing a great service to the birds, but you will also learn by observing the birds that frequent your feeding area. Establishing a bird feeder that offers a variety of foods is the best option. A […]

How many leather wallets should a man have?

If there is only one bad habit shared by the vast majority of men, it is simply that most think that having a single wallet is more than adequate for all occasions. In fact, most men are simply not aware that there are several different types of wallets available; This is mainly due to the fact that most men receive […]

69 places for passion: lustful places to make love

When looking to spice up their love lives, many couples seek out adventurous or novel places to make love. There are certain places that allow sensual lovemaking, while others require faster acts of passion. A bedroom is a comfortable place to make love, but there are so many exciting and lustful places to have passionate sex. Whether it’s spontaneous and […]

Hear from your essential silent partner

Your Essential Silent Partner (ESP) refers to the quantum realm of reality. It is the infinite field of energy that includes and goes beyond the limits of physical existence. In the quantum dimension, there are no limitations or boundaries to what is possible. At this level of reality, you have unrestricted access to whatever resources you need. However, humanity has […]

Whenever there is a storm, open both doors

A character on the PBS program “Call the Midwife” was a former prisoner of war and was talking to a midwife who had been committed to an internment camp when she was nine years old and had to watch her mother and sister gradually die from various abuses. and hungry. She realized that the midwife was harboring ghosts from her […]

Does your mind spin like a top?

Does this situation sound familiar to you? It’s approaching midnight and you go to bed because you know you have to get up early to go to work, but you’re not really that tired. Your mind is constantly spinning, jumping from one thing to another. It’s work first: your to-do list grows longer by the time; The next thing is […]

How people steal your power, energy and soul

One of the least talked about topics is how people steal other people’s power, soul, and energy. It is more common than you can understand and goes beyond the realm of the physical dimension with people and extends to the non-physical dimension with non-physical beings. The people of the earth have what is called a soul or personal power. The […]