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Oahspe – The New Bible and How It Was Written

Oahspe – The New Bible and How It Was Written

In the 19th century, from 1848 to 1900, spiritism was very popular in the United States. It all began on the night of March 31, 1848, in Hydesville, New York, when some young women from the Fox family decided to try to communicate with a spirit that had been haunting their home. By a series of blows, back and forth between the girls and the spirit, he told them that he had been murdered in that house and that his bones could be found buried in the basement. Sure enough, they dug into the ground and there they were.

Well, that indicated a frenzy of interest in the “spirits of the dead” that continued throughout the United States for the next 50 years. A certain John Ballou Newbrough, was fascinated with the phenomenon and deepened in his own sessions. Newbrough discovered that he himself was a medium, in the sense that spirits could control his arms and hands and when they did, he had no control over his arms.

After many years of his involvement in spiritism, he woke up in the middle of the night to a bright light in his bedroom. Startled, he saw angels at the foot of his bed. They asked him if he would do something for the Creator of the Universe, Jehovah. He asked them what they wanted him to do. They told him to live a spiritual life for ten years. He asked them how to do it. They told him to stop eating dead animal meat, dairy and to do charity work and never send a bill to his patients. Dr. Newbrough was a dentist.

After the angels told him that, they just left. Dr. Newbrough did what he was asked to do and at the end of those ten years, the angels returned to his bedroom. They told him to buy a typewriter, which had just been invented, and to sit at the typewriter every morning before dawn. Dr. Newbrough, who did not even know how to type, did as he was told and a yellow light flashed “through the ceiling” in his hands and he began to type a manuscript.

After doing this for a year, the angels told him to post it and call it Oahspe, which means HEAVEN-EARTH-SPIRIT. Dr. Newbrough said that he once got up from the typewriter, while the light was showing in his hands, and as he put his hands out the window, he could see that yellow light rising in the sky as far as the eye could see. . .

The story of the Fox sisters is very sad. Because the subject of spiritism was so controversial, at the time, and still is, these women had a lifetime of problems related to their involvement in this period of American history. They had so much trouble, that they eventually ended up discrediting their own story, about their experiences, only for the public to leave them alone. But the facts are still there. Those bones were found buried in the basement, just as the spirit told them.

Also, if someone delves into spiritism, they will discover that it is a fact that people survive physical death in order to be alive in the spirit world. Many books have been written on this subject. One such book titled “Loves Answer From Eternity” by Jeanne C. Belt is an example of automatic writing by Jeanne Belt’s own husband.

When her husband, Guy, died, she was able to use Jeanne’s hands and wrote to her every morning for a long time. He told her what the spirit world was like and begged her to let him go, so that he could continue with his spiritual life. When he died, she missed him so much that it kept him here on earth and with her and he couldn’t leave her, until she let him go because she didn’t miss him so much. This book is very rare and has been sold for a lot of money.

There is the Association for Research and Enlightenment in Virginia Beach, VA, which has thousands of members around the world, as a result of the readings given by Edgar Cayce while in a trance. Edgar Cayce was able to answer any question that was asked about health, life after death, history, and many other topics. He gave many thousands of these readings over many years. Because of his readings on health to hundreds of people, he is called the father of holistic medicine.

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