Lifestyle Fashion
Natural treatment for sore throat

Natural treatment for sore throat

A sore throat is usually caused by a virus such as the common cold, the flu, or Epstein Barr. In some cases, it can be caused by bacteria such as streptococcus or mycoplasma. A recurring sore throat is more likely to be caused by allergies, acid reflux, excessive use of the voice, sinusitis, or an underlying chronic infection.

Typical symptoms such as pain and swelling in the throat may be accompanied by hoarseness, swollen glands, fever, chills, headache, respiratory symptoms and, in some cases, digestive disorders.

Conventional treatment for sore throat

Most doctors will recommend rest, pain relievers, and plenty of fluids to treat this food. If they suspect a bacterial cause, then antibiotics may be prescribed.

Natural treatment for sore throat

Fortunately, there are plenty of natural remedies that you can usually find at home to treat this condition.

Gargling with sea salt and cayenne pepper

To clear your throat and relieve pain, gargle with a quarter teaspoon of salt in a quarter cup of warm water. Add a pinch of cayenne pepper to help numb the nerves in your throat. Gargle every hour or as needed.

apple cider vinegar remedy

Mix one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with one teaspoon of honey (preferably Manuka honey) in 1/3 cup of hot water. Drink slowly as needed.

turmeric remedy

Mix a teaspoon of turmeric with a teaspoon of honey and drink slowly.

hot lemon tea

Make a hot lemon tea: simply add the juice of half a lemon to a cup of hot water. To give it more punch, add some grated ginger, garlic, and cayenne pepper.

melting ice cubes

If your throat is so bad that it’s hard to swallow, put an ice cube in your mouth and let it melt. This can temporarily numb the bread and will keep you hydrated.

heat bag

Place a bag of hot wheat or a hot water bottle over your throat and neck to relieve discomfort and increase circulation to the area.

essential oils

Aromatherapy oils such as tea tree, lavender, eucalyptus, and thyme are helpful adjuncts if there are respiratory symptoms such as a runny nose, cough, or lung congestion. These oils can be added to hot water and inhaled or added to a bath or humidifier.


Garlic is a well-known antimicrobial that is often recommended as an effective treatment for sore throats. I tell my patients to eat at least one clove of garlic a day, preferably raw or added to soups, teas, or dressings.

Chicken Soup

Chicken soup is a famous sore throat treatment used to relieve congestion and discomfort. Chicken soup has been scientifically proven to be high in the amino acid cysteine, which helps thin mucus and expel it from the body. So dig up grandma’s old recipe, cook it up and enjoy!

Vitamin C

A popular treatment for a sore throat is vitamin C. Most homes will have a supply of vitamin C stashed away somewhere. Take at least 3-5 grams a day to strengthen your immunity.

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