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Man Boob Cure in 4 Weeks Free – The Man Boobs Secret the BIG food companies don’t want you to know!

Man Boob Cure in 4 Weeks Free – The Man Boobs Secret the BIG food companies don’t want you to know!

Every morning you wake up after a nice dream and then reality hits you: you have man boobs. Remember that your chest is not only weighing you down, it is preventing you from moving on with your life. It can be the girl you like, the job you want, or even something as simple as playing with your kids. It’s not your attitude towards life that is the problem, but rather the fact that you don’t like to feel uncomfortable, it’s so much easier to avoid those things, right?

As a result, we seem to backtrack, and incidentally this often makes the problem worse. Many men gain weight, that is a fact. Many men in that position also feel isolated, not only from what they want in life, but also from the people they care about.

Perhaps the worst part is that there is NO REASON for them to suffer at all, if you, yes, you, the one reading this article, don’t look back, I’m talking to you, if you are depressed about your man boobs. then don’t do it. Seriously, in an age where technology is advancing at an exponential rate, there is more help than ever. One of the problems is that there is so much information that it can be difficult to follow all of it, but you CAN get rid of man boobs easily. Keep reading.

I’ll put it all in one place for you to follow step by step and then you can use it as a tool to get the life you want. When you think about how precious life is, it seems pointless to let something like man boobs take over your life, not when there are solutions to literally eliminate the problem. Over there.

One thing I want to quickly point out is that a man breast problem is not always, in fact, almost never, a gynecomastia problem. When we think of “man breasts”, we think of a boy with breasts, right? Well most of the time this is caused by fat. Simple as that. When we obtain excess fat, it is stored on our pectoral muscle as a fuel deposit for our body to use in the medium and long term. When this happens, you get the man boobs shape we all know. I’m going to give you some interesting information in a minute that the big food companies don’t want you to know.

Why am I sharing all of this with you? I was there, did that, and got the shirt (although after using what I know my shirts are much smaller: D). Being there is not a place I want to be, I highly doubt that you will not either. The fact is, looking up this information tells me that you are ready to start changing your life TODAY. NOT TOMORROW! THERE IS NO NIGHT CURE FOR THIS, but it could go away in as little as 4 weeks.

What I am about to tell you will not do everything for you. It’s high-quality information and techniques that I paid a lot of money for and experimented with. It is up to you whether you use them or you can take them for granted and continue living your life as you are currently doing, all I can do is tell you what you need to do to lose your man boobs. Ready?

92% (on average) of all men with man boobs have their problem stemming from chest fat (medically known as pseudo-gynecomastia. 8% have a problem called gynecomastia which is adipose tissue (breast tissue) on the mammary glands (where the nipples are). If you have gynecomastia, doing all the exercise in the world will not remove it (there will always be breast tissue above the pectoralis); removal of gynecomastia is only accomplished by surgery. It is highly unlikely that the following will help you so i suggest you see your doctor as soon as possible NEVER put off anything and let it get worse, take action and do it.

However, for the vast majority of you, feel lucky that your problem can be solved from your own control. I want to say that. Gynecomastia surgery can cost around $ 5,000; you can get rid of your man boobs for FREE.

Your man boobs are caused by your lifestyle and here is some important information, so stay tuned.

I’m sure you’ve all seen the commercials on television of skinny, tomboyish women eating low-calorie bars. Of course, this hints that the lower the number of calories you eat, the less weight you’ll gain, including man boobs, right? INCORRECT!

All calories are not directly proportional to each other, which means that some are better than others. Did you know that the REAL reason you are likely to gain weight is? Sugar and complex processed carbohydrates.

“Eh? So that I can eat as many other things as I want without gaining weight?”

Yes, as many fish greens etc as you like, as long as you don’t make binge eating a new problem! (but I’ll review it with you in my free course later on

Look, when we eat processed sugars and carbohydrates, it combines with insulin in our bodies and causes a really difficult type of fat to handle. This fat is incredibly hard and, as a result, difficult to change.

Have you heard of a beer belly, for example? How much sugar is in a beer …? You’re just storing yours to form man boobs.

Just because a large food company is promoting “healthy food” doesn’t mean it is what it says it is. If everyone was healthy and not overweight, who would they BUY their food from? Think about it, their man boobs give them paychecks.

If you are between the ages of 12 and 18, what you will need to do to get rid of man boobs is: nothing. If you are a teenager and your man boobs are becoming sensitive and even slightly larger, there is no reason to worry. This is a normal part of male development during puberty.

Believe me, I had sensitive nipples when I was younger, and my gosh, I was afraid of becoming a woman, but I didn’t, and neither were you. Just wait, or if you’re really that worried, go to a doctor and they’ll tell you the same thing.

Take a look at your diet, what are you eating? I bet some of those “bad” foods are there as cereal bars. Are you consuming shake after shake? Most fruits contain glucose, it’s not that fruit is bad for you, just don’t overdo it and eat the right ones.

Still hungry? I need this article to be short, but here are some tips. Each pistachios, almonds, walnuts, walnuts, cashews. These are all examples of low Gi foods.

GI stands for “glycemic index. The glycemic index measures and classifies carbohydrates according to their effect on blood sugar levels. Eating foods with a high GI (such as mashed potatoes) causes a massive increase in the amount of glucose ( sugar) in the blood, which in turn causes a release of insulin Insulin is a hormone that stimulates the body to store fat, not burn it.

When insulin levels are high, you simply won’t lose much more than your self-esteem.

High GI foods (avoid)

White rice, white bread, corn flakes, baked potato, pretzels, watermelon

Medium GI foods

Brown rice, whole wheat, sweet potato, pasta, noodles

Low GI foods

Eggs, fish, nuts, lean meats, lentils, chickpeas, whole grain breads, salads, most fruits and vegetables, milk

Eating low GI foods can also have many additional health benefits, such as lowering cholesterol levels and the chances of developing heart disease.


The diet is not the only interesting thing that we can change immediately, with specific exercise we can reduce your man boobs in the shortest possible time; here are a few quick ones:

The most obvious and possibly hated is execution. Why? Aerobic exercise will burn much of your stored energy, mainly carbohydrates. When carbohydrates are consumed, your body will look to its fat stores for fuel. Your body is an incredibly smart machine, but knowing how it works means that we can use that to our advantage in relation to the results we want.

Do you hate running? I will go through the other options in my free course that I am giving away, probably for a limited time. If it’s something people really want, I can keep it open, I’m still not sure …

Obviously I can’t keep this article forever so please visit my website to get it, I will explain step by step in much more detail what you need to do so I will be there with you every step of the way. All free.

Anaerobic exercise will also play an important role, we don’t just want to lose fat, we want the perfect chest, right? Have you ever seen guys on the beach or around the pool attracting all the girls’ attention? Well, that will be you in 4 weeks.

The first exercise we will focus on is the incline bench press. It is more difficult to explain in an article, but I will show it all in your free course, this has taken me a long time and a lot of pain, so please use it wisely.

We’ll also soften your lower chest, making your shoulders look like pillars that could support a small building and an upper back that could break a coconut (not that I’m saying you want to, of course).

The methods shown in the course are the most effective ways not only to lose man boobs, but to find the perfect breast. Follow the link to right now while it’s still available and I’ll walk you through it step by step for free. I see you there.

PS – If you found it helpful, please link, blog, Tweet, tell your friends to add it to their Facebook, etc. so others can find it, thank you.

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