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Listening to God: Hearing God Speak Through Intuition

Listening to God: Hearing God Speak Through Intuition

There are many ways to listen to God. Intuition is one of the ways God uses to speak to you. Intuition, impressions, and perception are nuances of the same.

Sometimes you may have a slight impression of something or a hunch, this is often referred to as intuition.

  • Intuition is knowing something spontaneously, without reasoning or discovering it.
  • Perception is understanding something through the senses or the mind and involves intuitive awareness.
  • An impression is very similar: people tend to use the word impression when referring to an impulse or a push from the Holy Spirit.

Everyone has intuitive feelings on some level: a feeling or just knowing something without learning it or being told. The New Testament describes the disciples perceiving things, God has also given you the ability to perceive things. Whatever you call it, intuition, perception or impression, it is simply knowing something without using your natural senses.

Given the opportunity, the Holy Spirit will magnify these inner pushes and help you develop your spiritual senses so that you can be aware of danger, hidden things, and the thoughts and intentions of other people’s hearts.

The more you pay attention to these impressions, act on them, and trust the promptings of the Holy Spirit, the more sensitive you will become to God’s suggestions.

God is speaking to you through subtle impressions. It’s time to start taking note of them, take a step of faith, and start acting on your intuition.

When you start to listen to your subtle impressions, sometimes you are wrong. You will improve your hearing accurately when practicing. If you persist and allow yourself to learn from your mistakes, eventually you will get it right most of the time.

If you continue to step forward in faith, your level of spiritual awareness will increase. Trust that God is speaking to you through your intuition and act on what you feel.

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