Digital Marketing
Insurance agency drip campaigns and email workflow

Insurance agency drip campaigns and email workflow

Let’s start with a simple definition of insurance email drip campaigns. A drip campaign is a direct marketing method used to capture leads and retain customers by leveraging ongoing and dynamic content-driven email marketing programs. Campaigns send targeted and conditional content based on existing and changing preferences. Content is sent to leads and customers over varying time periods to nurture leads and improve retention.

An email workflow is a series of automated emails that are sent (or not sent), based on targeted subscribers, to help facilitate how they interact with your agency. Email workflows are triggered based on information you know or learn about your subscribers (using the branch for Yes, No, If, Then). Workflows allow agency marketers to send precise emails, at predetermined times, to specific clients or prospects. Well-designed email workflows can help insurance agencies improve conversion rates and customer retention. Let’s discuss one of the many types of workflows insurance agencies can use, we’ll follow up with additional blog posts on other types of workflows in this ongoing series.

Insurance Webinar Workflow

Let’s say your insurance agency is planning a webinar on a topic like: ACA compliance in an uncertain eraPrayed Changes in CSA regulations and the impact on truckers. Email workflows allow agency marketers to communicate what information their attendees need to know and when they need to know it. Your agency webinar workflow can be activated as soon as a date is set, although it is recommended that a webinar registration landing page be ready at that time.

Once activated, the webinar email workflow begins sending automated emails, providing timely and useful information about the webinar, until the webinar and after the webinar ends. This may include dates and times, whether the webinar will be recorded, where to get the presentation slide or supplemental materials, and certification information for credits with HRCI, SHRM, etc. It is beneficial to start a few weeks before the webinar and remind those who have not registered and retain those who have registered.

Branching off the insurance agency email workflow allows for strong customization and highly targeted content fulfillment. For example, if a registrant responds that they want to receive the slides, a call to action (CTA) can be created to take them to a download page. Or for registrants who want to share the recorded webinar at a later date, and the email can be generated automatically, the day after the webinar, providing the recording link and perhaps a CTA to schedule an appointment to discuss coverages with your agency.

It goes without saying that all agencies should use simple email campaigns. However, for many agencies, the time has come to invest in insurance agency email workflow drip marketing. Those agencies that lack the staff or tools to accomplish this may want to consider outsourcing the initiative to a competent insurance marketing agency.

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