I want to be a model, but where do I start?

I want to be a model, but where do I start?

If you just have the feeling of becoming a model and are not quite sure, the question is, where do I start? Do not worry; he is not alone in thinking as such. Many of the world’s best models, even the ranks of the popular Victoria’s Secret runway models, started out as uncertain as you. We reveal some of the important steps to take to get started landing a modeling job.

Find out what type of modeling is right for you

Everyone has the potential to be a model, but not everyone can be a model. You have to figure out what type of modeling will best fit your body sizes and dimensions. If it is tall (more than 165cm) it may be suitable for fashion shows and editorials, but if it is short (less than 160cm), commercial and print modeling will suit you better. There are ambiguous cases, like that of model Kate Moss, where shorter models can become a good runway model. However, these cases are more rare, and at least to begin with, you will have to be realistic and recognize the categories in which your appearance fits properly.

Choose the agency that develops your style

Different agencies have different specializations. Some agencies accept and prepare all kinds of models, others stick to one. Now you have to do your homework and make a list of agencies and the different types of model jobs they offer. Are you willing to try a variety of types of modeling jobs, or do you want to focus on a specific area of ​​modeling? Choose the right agency for your capacity and interests.

While checking your preferred agency, be careful of other important information that ensures that the agency is genuine and has a good reputation. Limit your options to a selection of the few major agencies that are best for you.

Applying to the agency

Any great agency will have frequent casting calls and will easily book interview appointments for aspiring models. Search their social media and websites for information on upcoming casting calls, and if you meet the requirements for the female model, apply right away. You can also apply through their website or call them directly and book an appointment. Calling is the most recommended way since you can easily clear your doubts and be more aware of what the agency expects of you.

Take some snapshots and a proper resume

Some basic documents an agency expects at first are your resume and some basic snapshots of your face and body. You don’t have to spend a lot of money on your photos; a few simple photos from your smartphone will help you. The agency itself will take professional photos for your portfolio, and your photos are just so they have a rough idea of ​​how you look in front of the camera. Your resume should show that you are more than just a pretty, committed, and talented face. This impresses the agency and improves your chances of being accepted.

Now all it takes is your patience to wait for the agency to respond. If your appearance satisfies the agency, they will not ignore your request and will give you a response within a reasonable period of time. Sometimes if they have too many models, they may ask you to order them at a later date. Write down all of your answers and continue to follow up.

Even top models like Tyra Banks had to face multiple rejections before their first chance. Be patient and opportunities will present themselves. Mainly, don’t let fear or shyness stop you from trying. We wish you all the best in your modeling career.

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