Lifestyle Fashion
How to make a woman orgasm Part 2: Sexual communication

How to make a woman orgasm Part 2: Sexual communication

In part 1 of this series, we talked about some of the different orgasm philosophies and how they can directly affect the results you get when you try to make your woman orgasm.

We also talked about the fact that you need to be able to get her to tell you about her past life experiences and how they affect the ways she thinks about her sexuality – her sexual philosophy.

And that is the theme of this post… sexual communication.

For most men, talking about sex is a challenge. They don’t know how to approach it and many of them are afraid of getting honest feedback from their lovers.

But there are several extremely good reasons for you to communicate with your lover about their orgasmic process.

The first, and probably the most obvious reason, is that when you talk to her about it, she’ll tell you all her likes and dislikes about intimacy, and if she’s smart, she’ll take mental notes and remember the things you tell her. you.

The second reason why communication is so important is not so obvious. And it’s actually even more important than the first reason (believe it or not).

The second reason why you should communicate with your sweetheart about her orgasmic process is because by talking about it, you make her feel more comfortable with intimacy.

For some women, it can be a bit stressful to talk about sex. Many women don’t really feel comfortable even saying the word “vagina” in casual conversation without whispering. God forbid if they have to say “my vagina.”

And this initial discomfort is greater, especially if you have never been intimate before. And even if this is the case, after a few conversations, you’ll develop a certain level of comfort with each other that translates very well in the bedroom.

However, for most other women, this type of communication does wonders for their comfort level. The more they talk about it with you, the more comfortable they feel about being intimate with you.

Even as they’re having the conversation, they begin to imagine the different things they can do to each other, and their fantasies begin to spiral out of control. (This is the ideal position you want to be in, by the way)

And lastly, when you are willing to talk to her about her orgasmic process, you immediately separate yourself from the 99% of other men who avoid the subject entirely.

You see, most other men are terrified of admitting they know nothing about sex. They think that it takes away their masculinity if they ask a woman how she wants to be pleased in bed. So, to hide this great insecurity, they walk with their chins up and their chests out as if they are a gift from God to women. And that not only doesn’t help the man or the woman, it makes them “run in circles” trying to figure out this whole intimacy thing.

Now, on the other hand…the guy who is willing to talk about sex and really ask all the questions that are at the forefront of his mind will go a LOT further when he is intimate with her.

Not just because he’ll learn all the specific ways she wants him to please her, but because she’ll find him much more attractive as a result of her genuine curiosity.

Most women are well aware that men don’t want to talk about sex. And it disappoints them, because they LOVE to talk about it.

So if you really show genuine curiosity about her orgasm, she will be so attracted to you that she may even make the first move and invite you over to her place.

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