Health Fitness
How exercise improves brain function

How exercise improves brain function

General Health: The benefits of exercise on the human body should not be viewed in isolation; it is totally incorrect to think that only the organs below the neck benefit from regular physical activity. To determine how exercise improves brain function, you should first start with heart and lung exercise and consider better memory and brain power as a bonus. Exercise is essential for a healthy body, mind, and even soul. Physical activity improves cognitive functions such as concentration and motivation, reduces stress and anxiety, and eliminates cognitive decline during old age. Motor and visual functions are also enhanced.

Brain Size: Believe it or not, your brain can grow and make you smarter with just a little more movement per day. The size of the brain’s frontal cortex, which governs executive functions, increases considerably with regular exercise, probably due to increased blood flow, brain metabolism, and the oxygen required for cell growth.

Chemicals: Neurochemical levels increase significantly with exercise, which in turn stimulates neural nerves, also known as synapses, as well as other brain chemicals that affect our mood in the form of neurotransmitters.

Balances the body and mind: Mind-body activities, such as yoga and tai-chi, are highly beneficial for the development of the brain and body, as they achieve the ideal balance necessary for holistic health. Stress is reduced, thoughts are more focused and clear, while the rest of your body gets the exercise it needs to stay flexible, fit, and lean.

Moderation: Remember to start your exercise program slowly and gradually increase it. Don’t skip days and then try to make up by working twice as hard the next day. Everything in moderation. Your mind will feel tired and burnt out if you push it too hard.

Medical Advice: Before beginning any exercise regimen, first consult with your physician and seek advice on the best physical activities to suit your medical profile.

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