Digital Marketing
How creating digital products can generate passive income

How creating digital products can generate passive income

Have you heard the statistic that millionaires have up to seven sources of income? That’s seven different ways they make money each month. Now take a look at your business; How many sources of income do you have?

If the answer is one, then it’s time to open up that creative part of your brain and create more streams of income. One option is passive income products.

“Passive income” is something of a misnomer. Creating products or establishing different forms of income still requires work. But the difference is that these streams of income can work for you, almost on autopilot, for years to come.

Passive Income Benefits

1. Increase your bottom line earnings. This is the most obvious benefit, but it’s worth mentioning, because who doesn’t want more profit? And (as you probably know) limiting your practice to a 1:1 workout can be a “feast or famine” proposition. Passive income streams can help you get through times of “famine.”

But, even in “holiday” times, your income from 1:1 coaching is limited to the number of clients you can handle. Passive income streams can help remove that “income ceiling” and create a cushion.

two. Take time back in your day. Wait… I know I just said that creating products and other sources of income takes time. But go ahead with me for a minute and think about the final part of the process, when your income stream is fully set up and the initial work is done. With a solid marketing plan, you can easily make money from these passive income streams, even while you sleep. That means you can take off a little earlier or take a day off to have fun, because your “passive” products are still making money.

3. Increase your credibility by helping more people. Think of passive income as a way to share your expertise with an ever-expanding audience. Imagine a snowball on top of a mountain that represents you with your inner circle of coaching clients. As the snowball travels downhill, it accumulates more and more snow until it reaches the size of a mammoth. The same is true for you. As you reach more and more people and provide guidance through your books, webinars, or courses, increased exposure and word of mouth leverage your knowledge and show your expertise to more and more people. All of this can lead to increased sales and an army of people raving about your work. So (at least in this case) snowballing is a very good thing!

Planning your passive income

Now that I hope I’ve sold you on the benefits of having passive income streams, it’s time to plan out what those streams should be for your business. Passive income includes affiliate marketing, membership subscriptions, or writing a book. But by far the most popular and engaging is creating courses or digital products based on your coaching specialty.

Digital products allow you to solve other people’s problems from the comfort of your home. And your customers get answers to their unique questions almost immediately, and in a format they can use—on their home computer or smartphone.

“A successful digital product has nearly unlimited earning potential, and there are dozens of examples of successful digital marketers making millions of dollars each year on products they launched several years ago.” -CM Burns,

Imagine how your business and your life would be, for example, if you had your own online course…

✓ Students excited to learn from you

✓ Working fewer hours while transforming more lives (and not burning out with 1:1 clients)

✓ Build your credibility and become an authority in your niche

✓ No more limits on your income

By creating a digital course, you will finally have a valuable business asset that you can launch and sell over and over again.

creating your product

There are many steps involved in creating a product, but once you’ve done one, creating others will be easier. When creating a digital product, you want to make sure it’s relevant to your main topic of interest. So if you’re a health coach, you want your product to be about a health issue, not a career issue. Also, you want to refine it further by asking your audience what they need. This is something you can determine through quick surveys or simply by following up on their FAQs.

You must then validate the product, double-checking to make sure it’s the right one. Ask customers if it would be useful and/or relevant. Ask questions about it in the forums. You could even do a pre-launch with valued customers to test the product for you. I have a colleague to whom I give my products in exchange for her evaluation of them.

Next, you’ll need to write content to launch and promote your product, and finally determine your price.

Launch your product

When you’re launching a product, you need a lead email series and a launch email series.

1) Anticipation emails build excitement. They should educate your audience on a topic that they are passionate about (and related to the course you are selling). And give them a sneak peek of the product.

two) Launch emails make the offer. They say the product is ready and point out where people can buy it.

As this seller says:

“With my releases, I build the anticipation in a matter of weeks, not months or years. Every time I talk about it, prospective buyers get more and more excited. Then I give a clear date of when the product will be released and available for purchase.

“The day before launch, I send a detailed email that provides all the information my subscribers need to make a purchase. This email covers product benefits, pricing information, and even answers frequently asked questions (which I don’t really know). have been asked yet).

“The only thing the email doesn’t include is a link to purchase the product. Instead, I tell them exactly when the product will be available (8:00 AM ET tomorrow) and to expect another email from me.” at that moment”. -Nathan Barry, Founder,

If your launch is 5 days long, you will need at least 5 emails. I have been on some lists where they would send out two emails a day, sometimes the same email but with different subject lines. To me, that’s overkill, but it’s up to your audience how often you email them. Keep in mind that they probably won’t read all of your emails. So it doesn’t hurt to send more than one.

creating emergency

Here are four easy ways you can get your customers on the fence to buy now:

1. Promotional or sale prices ending soon

2. Make the product available for a limited time

3. Provide an additional bonus only available to the first x number of customers

4. Limit the amount available for sale

Pick one or two of these strategies that will resonate with your audience. With careful planning, the urgency in your pitch emails can drive sales.

In conclusion

Working with clients one-on-one is great, but it shouldn’t be your entire business model. You must have other sources of income that complement your training program. After all, how many times have you had a month with no new customers? With another source of income, that scenario is less painful.

If people don’t already know about you, they probably won’t spend $1000 on a training program. But they may be willing to take a chance on you for something that costs $50 or less, because it’s low risk for them.

The good news is that You CAN create passive income with low-end digital products and, if you need help,

Learn how to create, package, and launch low-end digital products here:

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