Honesty and Objectivity (H&O)

Honesty and Objectivity (H&O)

There are no higher values ​​than honesty and objectivity in life because they lead to the granddaddy of both: integrity. With that said, I continue this article with a full understanding of what makes genuine virtue happen and the core of all scandals. The core of all scandals is subjective judgments of God and dishonesty with yourself about what is really going on. Integrity is the power behind all viable reality, without it, however you say it, everything it is just a mere fantasy steeped in lies.

Recently, I was looking at the stories of the old figures of the Watergate scandal in the administration of the president of the United States, Richard Milhous Nixon, and thinking about a television program that I saw with the actress Reese Witherspoon as a protagonist called “Little Fires Everywhere” And I was thinking about this fact: It’s one thing to look like you have integrity and act like you do. But having it is genuinely the hardest thing in the universe because it takes a gut-wrenching honesty and objectivity that creates the integrity that makes a “fantasy act” seem so appealing to those who lack integrity, honesty, or objectivity.

Transparency starts from reality from top to bottom, there are no exceptions. Some people like to think that there are exceptions, and that’s where the real problem always starts or “the little white lie” about reality that turns into little fires everywhere that eventually burn out the total fantasy.

When life gets complicated, simple and workable solutions are the best. Rube Goldberg’s complicated cartoon steps genuinely come from avoiding reality anyway, really. I mean, he thinks about it for a moment.

I once saw a TV show where a man tried to cover up a murder and was caught obsessively wiping fingerprints off by the very authorities he was trying to prevent and caught him “accidentally”, which brings me to a point: Wipe your lies with untraceable white gloves, and even if you don’t get caught right away, the maudlin, guilty, impure mind that did it is still out there saying “it’s there, it’s your sore thumb, and there’s no cure except for the truth for begin”.

The perfect crime and the perfect virtue are the same: Transparency, not hiding things and being real, right? I should think about it. Because, honesty and transparency are the highest order of virtue when you do the right thing anyway and if you did it wrong, the same thing only you still did it wrong. Or to quote The Band in the song. “Calendonian Mission”, “dark old Arkansas” to metaphorically show the reality that truth and honesty cannot be escaped. Delayed perhaps, but not escaped.

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