Health Fitness
Healthy lifestyle: activities and benefits

Healthy lifestyle: activities and benefits

Living a healthy lifestyle means being in good physical shape and following a proper diet. It is not possible that we can become healthy just by eating healthy food. On the other hand, it cannot be said that you lead a healthy lifestyle if you dedicate little or no time to some physical activities. A healthy lifestyle, therefore, is a good balance of both.

Saudi Arabia, like anywhere else in the world, is a country in which a healthy lifestyle must be continually promoted. With people increasingly busy with their daily tasks, physical activity and fitness are almost or actually forgotten.

As much as you want to go for a proper and nutritious diet to become healthy, you must be so serious about participating in physical activities and workouts.

Combining training and training programs

We are all capable of harboring fat within our body. Inactive lifestyle and improper eating habits lead to accumulation of fat in various areas such as the thighs, abdomen, buttocks and arms. In addition to the accumulation of fat, a sedentary life can also cause a number of unwanted health risks, such as obesity, diabetes and even cancer. To give your body a chance to fight these problems, you must exercise and eat a healthy diet regularly.

People might think that there is only one type of exercise, sweaty exercise. However, an exercise should be made up of three training programs: cardiovascular training, resistance training or strength and flexibility. Ideally, an exercise program should include all three of these training regimens to ensure a balanced and holistic workout.

Resistance training

Cardiovascular workouts are also known as resistance training. This type of training is done to strengthen the heart and lungs. It usually involves activities like swimming, aerobics, walking, and running.

Endurance / strength training

While cardiovascular exercise targets the heart and lungs, resistance training is done to strengthen and harden muscle tissues. It also helps to eliminate body fat stored in the body. Resistance training is synonymous with weight lifting, as this type of exercise involves the use of resistance bands, dumbbells, and machines.


Stretching or flexibility training is less strenuous than the first two groups of exercises. Most often, flexibility training is done after cardio and resistance training. Helps cool muscle and reduce stress on your body after a hard workout. Activities like yoga and Pilates are great for developing your body’s flexibility and promoting relaxation.

Reaping the rewards of being fit

In addition to maintaining the functionality and fitness of the body, an active lifestyle and a healthy diet can decrease the chances of acquiring health problems such as diabetes, obesity, hypertension, and heart disease. Plus, they keep the body in tune by diligently burning body fat and building muscle.

Other benefits of incorporating exercise into your lifestyle include:

  • Reduce stress and depression – Having an active lifestyle reduces the stress levels of the body and eliminates depression. Since endorphins and other opioid peptides increase during workouts, depression and stress are gradually eliminated and an improvement in mood and self-esteem is observed.
  • Increased metabolism – Since active exercise requires energy, the body’s metabolism increases to maintain the necessary energy. In addition, the workouts promote the burning of excess fat in the body, as well as the accumulation of muscle tissues.
  • Improved sleep patterns – Continuous exercise and the development of dynamic lifestyle habits help to maintain a favorable sleep routine. Furthermore, it also helps reduce sleep disorders like insomnia and disrupted sleep patterns.
  • Increased brain functionality – Exercise and constant training ensure efficient brain function. The constant circulation of oxygen-rich blood in the brain helps reduce free radicals bound to the brain and improves cognition and mental awareness.

With all these benefits, who wouldn’t want to be active? Don’t worry if you’ve spent five years of your life being a television addict. Having an active and healthy lifestyle is never too late if you start now.

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