He says I’m too good for him!  What this really means

He says I’m too good for him! What this really means

He says I’m too good for him! That is supposed to make you feel good, right? Is it a compliment or not? You’re wondering those things right now because your boy told you. He has told you that he thinks he doesn’t deserve you or that you are too good for someone like him. What are you supposed to do with a comment like that? Do you mean it in a polite way or is there some hidden agenda behind your words? Understanding why men say this can help you tremendously in your relationship and can give you the information you need to get the love you want and deserve.

If he says that you are too good for him, it is not something you should be enthusiastic about. Men tend to say this when they are contemplating ending a relationship. For them, it is a very kind and compassionate way to easily disappoint a woman. They think that if they tell her that she deserves someone better, she will be so moved by the feeling of those words that she will not realize that they are abandoning her. If your guy has told you, he is likely considering drastically changing the relationship in the very near future.

You can know the real meaning behind your words based on the behavior that accompanies them. If you’ve changed recently and have less time to spend on it, that’s another sign that he’s getting ready to walk away from you. Many men physically disengage from a relationship first because they cannot bear the charade of pretending to be crazy about the woman they are dating. So instead of taking the honest and straightforward route, they either pretend to be so busy they can’t see you, or they make up one excuse after another as to why they have to break up dates.

Maybe you’ve started arguing with him about whether you’re really too good for him or not. There are also clues in your reaction to this. If he insists that you would be happier with another man who appreciates and values ​​you more, he is probably telling you what he really feels in his heart. He may not feel worthy of you or he may just feel that the two of you are not suitable for each other. Either way, he is about to end the relationship and if you are not ready for that to happen, it is up to you to help him see that you are good enough for each other.

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