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Golf On Tour Secrets – How to stop punishing yourself on the golf course

Golf On Tour Secrets – How to stop punishing yourself on the golf course

I know that golf is a difficult game to play consistently well. I also know that most amateur golfers would play a lot better if they would just take a break from “hitting themselves” every time they hit a golf shot that is less than they expected.

I have spent countless hours with amateur golfers and professional golfers and one thing I continually observe is the difference in attitude between professionals and amateurs when it comes to the way they deal with ‘less than desirable’ golf shots. For the most part, successful professional golfers are adept at dealing with the continual ups and downs of this great game.

Professionals who play golf on tour realize that “you can’t control the game, but you can control yourself during the game.”

Of all the many factors that influence the results you achieve on the golf course, the factor that will make the biggest difference to you is how you handle your frustration when things don’t seem to be going your way. The easiest thing you can do is get upset about a golf swing and take the anger and frustration with you.

One of the mental confidence skills golfing professionals on tour develop is a high tolerance for frustration. Frustration is a form of stress, and reacting negatively can literally set off a chemical time bomb inside of you that erodes your confidence and propels you into a negative emotional cycle that seems to never end.

That is, bad shot = frustration = bad shot = frustration = bad shot = frustration, etc.

The bottom line is that you need to control how you experience frustration. It is important to realize that your perception of any golf event dictates your response, and this response is chemical in nature. When your golfer perceives events in a negative way, such as “getting frustrated,” he releases chemicals into his bloodstream that trigger a multitude of biochemical events, which can cause him to produce an increase in adrenaline and cortisol, which are stress hormones. These chemicals affect the feel and rhythm of your swing, and symptoms such as increased heart rate and high blood pressure are also not uncommon.

The good news is that stress caused by frustration is okay as long as you recognize it for what it is. Exposure to stress is the starting point for our mental, physical and emotional growth. Small intermittent doses of stress are good for you because they allow you to get used to the ever-changing conditions on the golf course. Protecting yourself against exposure to stress won’t make you a better golfer, it will make you worse.

There is a saying that goes “If you don’t fit your die”, and metaphorically speaking, this is quite correct. If you don’t learn to adapt, you don’t learn to move beyond your existing comfort zone and your golf improvement dies. Getting too comfortable and basically developing a game of golf that never really changes is described as arrested development. This is where you stop improving and start to feel too comfortable, or if you like it too automatic.

Professional golfers are always improving small aspects of their golf skills so that they never become too comfortable and too automatic. Feeling uncomfortable is vitally important as it challenges you to keep finding ways to improve. “Negative stress lives beyond discomfort”, and the question you might need to ask yourself about frustration is this; “What makes you think that every golf shot you make has to go exactly as you planned?”

Remember that the problem isn’t the frustration you get from taking a golf shot that wasn’t up to your level; It is when you exceed your frustration tolerance level that problems begin to arise. Would golf be more enjoyable for you if you could simply let go of the negative feelings associated with making bad golf shots that didn’t live up to your expectations?

Professional golfers know that almost every golf shot they take will be less than they bargained for. In other words, they miss most golf shots compared to their level of expectations.

If your goal is to hit your golf ball in the middle of the fairway, thirty to fifty percent of the time it will go into the rough or bunker on the fairway or sometimes even into the water.

If they are hitting an iron onto the green, about forty percent of the time they will miss the green.

If they play a sand shot from a greenside bunker, at least fifty percent of the time they won’t putt.

If you shoot your ball from the front of the green wanting to get very close to the hole, most of the time it will end up short and to the left or right of where you expected it to end up.

And finally, when they putt six to ten feet from the hole, at least fifty percent of them will miss.

So, for all the hours of practice that professional golfers put in on their trade, their golf shots miss most of the time. The difference is that they know and continually manage your expectations, and so should you.

It is unreasonable to think that your golf shots will turn out how you expect them to most of the time because there are so many variables that influence where your golf shot will end up. The best you can hope for is to accept that you will probably be short, long, to the right or to the left of where you thought you would be.

We cannot master the game of golf, no one has and no one ever will. However, you can master your emotions so that when faced with the choice of how you will respond to a bad shot, you can pick up your golf club and carefully slip it back into your golf bag and walk off to your next golf shot without emotion. . buying the less-than-desirable hit you just played. Accept that you did the best you could at the time and live with it.

Punishing yourself for any golf shot suggests that you are probably putting a lot more pressure on yourself than you need to and have developed unreasonable expectations about certain golf skills. By continually doing this, you will never learn to realize that you have the ability to think before you react and choose the option of simply accepting the consequences of your actions and continuing your game.

Increase your ability to tolerate more frustrations during your round and you will develop your skill and expand the potential of your golf skills towards better golf shots when needed, leading to more confidence and much more enjoyable rounds.

How happy and confident you feel on the golf course is an excellent indicator of how well you manage your frustration tolerance levels. The more you accept the difficulty of the game and continually work hard on your weak skills, the less likely you are to want to punish yourself. Remember “you can’t control the game, but you can control yourself during the game”.

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