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Glasswashers – Are they worth it?

Glasswashers – Are they worth it?

At first, you may think that your commercial dishwasher will be all you need to get your catering business up and running, and at first you may be right. But once things have started to go well and demand begins to pile up, you find yourself in need of investing in a pan and utensil washer. So why on earth would you need to supplement these two machines with a glasswasher?

It’s certainly possible to argue that you don’t really need one. Just as the dishwasher and utensil washer is the big brother of the conventional commercial dishwasher, the glasswasher is its little brother. However, why would they be such a popular addition to the kitchens of many restaurants and cafes?

Just as the dishwasher is a slightly advanced variant of the commercial dishwasher, so is the glasswasher. These machines will make sure your stained, lipstick-stained, and wine-stained glassware comes out sparkling and almost new. After all, in any restaurant customers will notice stains and stains on all crockery and cutlery, but not so much on glasses. Dirty glasses, whether not properly cleaned or used over time, will immediately deter diners or drinkers from returning to your establishment. Dirt suggests a lack of care and attention to detail, and lest we forget, light shining through glassware will make any imperfections painfully obvious.

This is why glasswashers can be vital additions to your kitchen. Commercial dishwashers may be ideal for cleaning crockery and cutlery, but there is a danger that the wash cycle will leave glassware stained with detergent residue. The glasses may be clean, but they won’t look clean. Also, the detergent will erode the cups, causing them to wear out faster, with white streaks marring their appearance. Glasswashers like the Maid2wash 35 have a maximum wash cycle of 2 minutes, so they’re fast and efficient, giving glasses a deep but quick clean. Even better, it can clean 360 pint glasses per hour and costs less than £600, so it’s not as expensive as your commercial dishwasher and a fraction of the price of a pans and utensils washer.

One could even argue that a glass washer is a more important investment than a pan and utensil washer. Yes, you will have the problem of scrubbing off food and burnt-on grease, but your glassware, along with your crockery and cutlery, goes to your customers, who will judge your evening on these utensils almost as much as you will be judged by the food itself. . And let’s face it, you’re trying to run a successful business; You don’t have time to waste, and the last thing you want to do is frankly inspect and polish all of your glassware, so the time has come to admit that yes, glasswashers are worth it and potentially vital to ensuring that your restaurant, cafeteria, gastro-pub or any kind of catering business, it runs smoothly.

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