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Get Pregnant Fast – 3 Natural Fertility Secrets from the Near East

Get Pregnant Fast – 3 Natural Fertility Secrets from the Near East

How long have you been trying to get pregnant? You may be worried that time is running fast and all possible efforts to have a baby just don’t seem to work! You have probably read many tips on the web to increase your chances of conceiving. You know your ovulation cycle and have regular intercourse during your most fertile time. You have followed all the valuable information to no avail. It’s been a couple of months since then and nothing happened. Medical examinations did not reveal any physiological or anatomical defects. Let me tell you what the people of the Near East do in such a situation.

Near Eastern people and pregnancy

In many countries in North Africa (such as Algeria, Morocco, and Tunisia) or Southwest Asia (such as Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, and Turkey), both culture and religion encourage married couples to have their first child as soon as possible after birth. having consumed their wedding. In these countries it is very important to have many children. A woman can be rejected by her husband if she cannot conceive! So you can understand many women’s concern about increasing their chances of getting pregnant quickly. Let’s look at 3 different natural products that these women use to increase their fertility.

Natural fertility stimulants

1) black cumin seeds

Black cumin seeds are produced by a Mediterranean herbaceous plant called Nigella sativa. It is a remedy for a variety of diseases. Scientists have discovered a little more than 100 chemical components in the seeds. The particular property to increase fertility is commonly attributed to black cumin seeds. Also, the benefit of this herb has been scientifically proven to help increase sexual desire and sperm count among men.

Slowly boil black cumin seeds with chamomile. Drink two cups of honey every day.

two) Saffron

Crocus sativus is the botanical name for the yellow spice used in cooking, better known as saffron. Infuse a tablespoon of saffron in a liter of boiled water for 5 minutes. Drink the herbal tea every month for the first 3-4 days of your period.

3) Almonds and Walnuts To boost his sperm count, your husband can eat two tablespoons of a mixture of almonds, walnuts, and honey on an empty stomach every morning and before bed.

Never lose hope!

Black cumin seeds, saffron and almonds are considered very useful in Near Eastern societies to stimulate fertility in men and women. Would it work in your case? Would be wonderful! The most important thing you need to cultivate is hope; I hope that very soon you can hold your son against your chest.

Michelle was in your situation. She thought that she would never have a baby. She did not lose hope and tried many different methods. She eventually became pregnant and gave birth to a son. Read her interesting story at get pregnant fast revision! His advice and personal experience can change your life!

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