Four Common Goal Mistakes and How to Overcome Them!

Four Common Goal Mistakes and How to Overcome Them!

You start with big plans to change your life. Your energy is high and you can see yourself ready to move forward with your desires, goals and dreams. For the first few days or weeks, things go well, and one day your energy is a little less focused. Maybe you hit a roadblock, or the work of reaching your goal was more than you expected. Soon, before you know it, you’re back in your old clothes and the way they were before.

If you set out to achieve a positive life change, you will encounter challenges and internal resistance. It is an expected part of the journey. You can get so frustrated that you doubt yourself, your dreams, and your abilities. However, when you encounter internal resistance, don’t give up. It’s just part of the process, and you’re in good company. Every successful person first had to learn to guide themselves through the difficulty of wanting to quit when the journey gets tough. I imagine that every person who finally achieved a goal must have, at one time or another, had a motivational quote written on a yellow post-it stuck where they could see it every day. It would be one of those encouraging sayings, like Ella William’s gossip: “Bite off more than you can chew, then chew it.”

Creating a better life is a work in progress. The big question is: How will you handle internal objections and setbacks? Will you give up your most meaningful dreams? Will he dissuade himself from taking action? What explanations do you give to get out of trouble?

You owe it to yourself to do whatever it takes to make positive changes in your life. Below is a list of internal obstacles to success. Once you recognize that these obstacles are really just excuses, you can stop hiding behind them and once again find your empowerment and confidence. Read below to discover the four most common types of excuses and what you can do to overcome them.


When we rationalize, we blame external people or circumstances for our defeat or failure. This is a defense mechanism used to take the sting out of a sticky situation. We have selfish but flawed reasoning for our behaviors and actions (or lack of action) as a motto. It seems logical at the time, but it just disconnects us from the truth. We justify why things are too difficult, why we’re failing, or why we can’t move forward. Rationalization is how we try to explain why it’s okay that we can’t create success or achieve a goal. By blaming something or someone, we give ourselves permission to avoid accountability and responsibility for our own lives.


No improvement is possible unless we take responsibility for all of our actions, inactions, choices, and behaviors. The decision to take action, even when things seem most difficult, sends you a powerful message about what you are creating and what you believe about your own worth. Write down what you want to achieve, what is important to you. Then create an excuse money jar. Every time you hear yourself making up an excuse for why you can’t or won’t take action today, put a predefined amount of money in your jar. When you decide to go ahead with your goal again, use the money to reward yourself for showing up and making your life matter!


Perfectionism can be a double-edged sword. It has the ability to provide both great joy and personal growth. . . misery of gold Perfectionism can be a gift that offers driving energy, determination, and the ability to achieve success. Used as a positive characteristic, it has the ability to motivate you to achieve your dreams. However, if perfectionism is combined with a self-punishing attitude, it can lead to feelings of inferiority, despair, and inaction. Pushing yourself to do everything perfectly creates unrealistic self-imposed rules, stress, and abandonment when things don’t go perfectly. Realize that it’s okay to make mistakes and allow yourself to be flexible. Count on the fact that your journey to bring about change will be full of ups and downs. There will be challenges and failures. A key to perfectionism is not to eliminate this characteristic, but to take advantage of its positive attributes.


Perfectionism is, in its purest form, an inner call to find and fulfill one’s destiny; to realize one’s potential. For this to happen, perfectionism must be coupled with the courage to follow your own inner passion. Perfectionism contains the energy to continuously explore, search, grow and evolve. Come to understand that you grow because that is who you are. You are not trying to be perfect or better than others, but rather you are exploring new avenues of self-expression. You manage not to get the approval of others, but because you were born to travel.


Sometimes procrastination is glaringly obvious. However, procrastination also comes in many forms. There are endless subtle ways to prevent yourself from taking positive action. Sometimes people make it seem like they are “working” hard to figure out how to reach their goals. They keep themselves very busy “trying” to “solve” the problem. If you notice this behavior in your own life, you can deceive others and even yourself, but in reality, you are just getting stuck. Either you are taking action to make your dreams come true or you are not taking action. If you’re not taking action, that’s fine, but watch how your choices make you feel. Be honest with yourself. Do your choices bring you more joy? Or, do they decrease the amount of joy in your life?


Remember that you don’t have to take action. Only you decided that your goal was important to you and you are choosing to use free will to make it happen. Go back to basics and reaffirm why you committed to creating change in the first place. Read over your goals and see if they are still important to you. This will decrease feelings of resentment and rebellion. If having your goal is still important, commit to taking daily action. Even if it is a small action. Do not allow yourself to leave things for tomorrow or Monday. What can you do today that says in no uncertain terms that your decisions and dreams are important to you? Nobody owes you a great life, except you. Accept your opportunity and responsibility to affect your life. Not only do you deserve to have what you want, you have the power to make your dreams come true.

creative avoidance:

Cleaning, laundry, shopping, mowing the lawn. You are too busy, with too many tasks and too many obligations. The dog, the children, the house and your elderly parents. These apologies seem so real, because in a way they are. They exist. However, the truth is that you make time for the things that you feel are important. If everything and everyone is before you, what you are really saying is that your life and your happiness do not matter to you, and it is simply not your responsibility. Cope with excessive busyness. Of course, your dreams are important! Put yourself at the top of your priority list and take action every day. Don’t allow yourself to get distracted and get too involved with other less important things.


Your life depends on you! No matter how bad you have it, only you determine your thoughts, attitudes and behaviors. No more leaving important decisions in the hands of others. No more blaming others for what goes wrong. Take responsibility for your actions. In the middle of each day, make an honest assessment of whether or not your current choices feel good. Participate in a direct reflection on whether you have put effort into your goal. Did you do anything to move forward and enable success? If not, that’s fine; it’s only noon and not too late. Take action now. Go for it. Your success and your happiness are in the decisions you make right now.

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