Arts Entertainments
Do benzocaine condoms work?

Do benzocaine condoms work?

Benzocaine is a local anesthetic that has been around for quite some time. It has many uses, but generally as a pain reliever it works best to relieve unpleasant areas of oral discomfort.

It’s now used under many different brand names around the world in condoms, but does that make them safe for men to use?

The truth is that while these condoms can do wonders to help a man go the extra mile in bed, they are known to cause significant allergic reactions / irritations to any man who uses them. This is not to say that it happens to all men, but it is not exactly rare at the same time.

Some of the common side effects that people can experience when using benzocaine products are dizziness, itching, swelling, sweating, and even headaches on occasion.

Now this is being used to help men control premature ejaculation through use in condoms, and these are distributed by major condom manufacturers and are often referred to as desensitizing condoms.

Do they work though? Yes, they can work, but sometimes too well. For example, some men have complained that even though they could spend a long time, they actually had trouble ejaculating and ended up doing it too long for her. The sad irony is that sometimes they can work too well.

The other drawback that some men may not like is that they desensitize the penis, which would ideally be a full stimulation experience while controlling ejaculation.

If you decide to use them, make sure you don’t get any in it in any way, in case a reaction occurs that you might experience.

Always wash after. It is rarely a good idea to leave any of it on the penis as it can cause irritation to the genitals.

Finally, if you think you are experiencing a reaction after using a benzocaine condom, be sure to see a doctor first. An STD can often be mistaken for a reaction.

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