Arts Entertainments
Dating Secrets: Why Women Love A Man With Courage

Dating Secrets: Why Women Love A Man With Courage

We spend a lot of time around here shedding light on “hidden naysayers.” By this I mean anything that may prevent you from meeting the type of women you want to meet and / or have full control over continuing the relationship when you want, but that you have not yet fully understood.

I believe that one of the darkest “hidden naysayers” for many men is failure to deploy in the area of ​​bravery.

That’s right, simple “courage”.

About a month ago, I told you about “Six Ways To Man Up.” Each of those respective suggestions, as you may recall, was rated “strength.”

Still, the reason “courage” wasn’t listed as one of the half dozen on that list of male indicators that drive women crazy is very simple.

It turns out that courage is a general theme that literally permeates a man’s being. When you manage to “inspire confidence,” essentially, by definition, you have succeeded in assuring a woman of her own personal level of courage.

So this time, let’s describe exactly what courage IS. And more specifically, let’s talk about the kind of courage that women in particular find irresistibly attractive.

I’ll give you a hint: it is no found in the Jeff Foxworthy moments when we say to everyone, “Hey, check this out!” No, nonsense nonsense is a detour for women, as is “showing off” for the sole purpose of impressing them.

So here we go … half a dozen ways to eliminate clotting for good and run hard:

1) Courage when expected to be obvious

If most garden variety humans can handle something, you should too. It is not unusual to have phobias, even irrational ones. But keep this in mind: If you are afraid of flying, crossing bridges, or taking the elevator, you will NOT exactly inspire confidence in a woman who probably doesn’t have such a concern. Your ability to inspire confidence is directly affected when you are afraid, when even most women are unfazed.

It is essential to understand this concept accurately. No one’s asking you to drive in an ice storm, tail rattlesnakes like fucking Steve Irwin, or even eat food off the ground.

But if you launch a hiss attack when a bee that you’re not even mortally allergic to flies within five feet of you, and the women around you say, “Um … dude, what’s the matter?”, Those are Sometimes you know that you have to learn to overcome it.

2) Courage in the face of the unknown

What happens when there is a question mark ahead? Do you hold your head up and face the music bravely, or do you stick your head in the sand and procrastinate as long as humanly possible?

A key example, made hilariously famous by George Lopez in one of his stand-up routines, is when a man knows he has a medical problem but refuses to see a doctor.

Knowing that the doctor could tell you any number of things ranging from harmless to devastating, you should go anyway and get them taken care of.

“It’s better not to know … besides, they’ll charge me for everything!” It’s funny when George Lopez says it, but it would show a woman in your life that you are a complete coward if YOU said it.

If you know the company announces layoffs today, go to work. Whatever it is, unless it’s armed and deadly and you’re not, you deal with it. Women love initiative and leadership.

3) Courage to achieve what motivates you

I don’t know how many kids I’ve heard talk about what they dream of doing, or where they dream of going … quickly followed by a phrase that begins with the word “but.”

“Oh man, I would LOVE to go to [insert exotic destination here]. But what if I am arrested and sent to jail there or I get some strange disease while I am there? “

“Wow … I WOULD LOVE to get a motorcycle license. But I’m really afraid I might have an accident.”

This is all BORING for women, who often crave excitement in their lives.

The most impressive irony of all in that regard is that I am ripping my brain apart, but I think I have Never He suggested that a woman join me for something adventurous and flatly refuse … as long as her confidence was inspired.

4) Courage when the chips are low

When it comes to “fight or flight”, women are counting on you to stay calm and make the right choice. Just as the NBA star wants the ball when his team is down by a point with five seconds left, he must also seek to be the decision maker when a crisis looms.

Whether it’s a family problem, job loss, a car accident, a spider in the bathroom, or a strange sound in the middle of the night, you take the proverbial bull by the horns.

5) Courage among men

If you are constantly dominated and generally abused by the AMOGs around you, women will not be impressed by your passivity. Have the courage to suggest ideas, take the lead in the face of ambiguity, and be reasonable when foolishly provoked.

Nothing inspires more confidence in a woman than this. You’re not starting bar fights, but you stand your ground and refuse to be a doormat.

Of course, there is one final axis on which the above five examples are based …

6) Courage towards HER

You must not be afraid of the woman herself.

This means that you approach her and speak to her the first time you meet her without fear, which in turn will help her feel comfortable with you.

This also means that he does not lean in or “kiss” because he is afraid of losing her favor or angering her. And above all, it means that you do not let her know every last original idea you have so as not to offend her or not give her what she wants.

Most men are deathly afraid of making a woman cry. You have to understand that women are more upset by your cowardice in telling the truth than by your honesty, as long as you keep their best interests at heart.

I mentioned that lack of courage is often a “hidden naysayer.” Seriously, in this age of safe cubicle jobs and TV addicted lifestyles, it’s very easy for us guys to completely miss the fact that we’re even lacking in this area. But make no mistake, women have a sixth sense for these things. Therefore, the goal of every man should be to develop genuine courage, backed by strong reasoning skills.

Here’s the thing.

I could give you a set of “rules” to follow. I could give you a checklist of things you can do that might allow you, at least for the moment, to fool a woman or two into thinking you had it all together.

But ultimately, the checklist will fail you. You cannot be fumbling for notes when a situation arises that requires genuine courage.

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