Health Fitness
Crystal Healing: New Age "hooey" or the truth?

Crystal Healing: New Age "hooey" or the truth?

For most of us, who have spent our lives rooted in the physical plane that we like to call “reality,” the idea of ​​crystal healing has found its way into the category of irrational superstition and “new age nonsense.” It is as if most of us wonder, how can a rock be anything more than a rock, let alone store energy or help us heal? How can rocks, minerals, and metals do anything but stay there?

To answer this question, we must venture beyond the physical existence that we currently believe to be “all there is” to this reality in which we live.

Physical matter has long been viewed as the stable foundation of reality. In other words, physicality is the test most of us use to determine what is “real” from what is “not real.” But physical matter is not the center of reality as we know it. Instead, it is just a small aspect of the infinite energy within the universe. You could think of physical reality as the thin outermost membrane of this universe, like the skin. A layer of epidermis that covers an invisible substructure of other vast dimensions where energy expresses itself differently because it vibrates at different frequencies depending on the dimension in which it exists. Each individual physical object, whether alive or not, exists not only on this physical level, but also in the multitude of energetic dimensions outside of physicality. Everything you see in this world is multidimensional in nature. Your entire body system is nothing more than energy that appears in various patterns and densities. The same goes for what we think of as “inanimate structures” like rocks.

When energy patterns work together in a non-resilient and cohesive way, then we experience what we call health. These energy patterns can be disrupted by a multitude of things. When this happens, we experience a state of discomfort. This leads to poor health. This resistant and discordant energy pattern is responsible for all the negative symptoms we experience in our physique, from a headache to cancer.

Everything we believe to be solid and “real” simply appears real to us because of our physical senses, but our physical senses do nothing more than interpret energy as a smell or as a sight or taste of a sensation. It is our senses that convert what is, for lack of a better word, an energetic, holographic reality into the static reality we call physical. It is our senses that tell us that we are “separated” from our surroundings. At our most fundamental level, we not only participate in this vast energy field, we are also made of this energy field. We are one with every animate and inanimate thing we see. Our physical lives are just different expressions of the same energy that constitutes “all that is” in all universes and in all dimensions. The amplitude and frequency (what we often call vibration) at which this energy is expressed is what determines whether the energy becomes a person or a rock in the physical dimension.

Crystals and what we call gemstones have a free vibration of resistant patterns. You are among some of the structures in the physical dimension that hold the most balanced, cohesive, strong, and intentional frequencies. Its unchanging physical structure is a reflection of the fact that its innate energetic patterns of balance, strength, and cohesion are incorruptible. In the physical dimension, when you pick up a crystal, it may appear that you are actually doing nothing more than touching and looking at a separate physical object. But in the other dimensions in which both you and the rock exist, you are energetically “training” with that rock. This training then causes changes in your structure and psychology in the physical dimension. The law that governs each dimension within the universe is that of “unity”. In physical life, we have come to call this the “Law of Attraction.” Simply put, only vibrationally matched frequencies can coexist. Therefore, to share the same space with another “form”, you must be vibrating at the same level that she vibrates. Health is the natural state of any form within the universe. Therefore, the natural inclination and tendency of anything within the universe is that of balance, cohesion and comfort. This means that the natural progression of the vibration is to draw and resonate in the direction of health. Because of this, when you share space with a crystal (or gemstone) that has a resistance-free vibration, instead of the crystal’s vibration taking on a non-cohesive pattern, your energy will synchronize with the crystal’s energy and take on its own. cohesive pattern. . This entrainment causes them to no longer create the disease pattern within their energetic substructures and therefore the physical manifestation of that diseased energy is no longer maintained and the physical symptom disappears. Due to this entrainment effect, crystals and gemstones are incredibly adept at returning us to a vibrational state of health and harmony. Anything with an inherent energetic pattern of non-resistance can act as a tuning fork by offering a vibration that we can use to realign ourselves with a healthy vibration. This is what actually happens at the energy levels of the substructure when you listen to a song that makes you feel good, or spend time around a person who makes you feel good, or take a homeopathic remedy.

Each crystal or gemstone energetically resonates with a slightly different pattern and therefore (just like our specific physical structures) appears different on the physical in terms of chemical composition, structure, geometry, color, and texture. Because of this, each one lends itself to patterns that reside in our specific physical systems. For example, to share the space with rose quartz is to expose the active energetic patterns in our physical and metaphorical heart to align with health and adopt a more resistance-free pattern. Therefore, when we train with the rose rooms, unresolved heart issues will dissipate, allowing us to let go of whatever is distorting our heart-identifying energies.

Crystals and gemstones grow deep within the earth’s crust over millions of years at extremely high heat and pressure. This gives them a place among the objects on earth with the most inherent energy. They are capable of receiving, containing, projecting, emanating, refracting, and reflecting energy. Crystals have a very consistent arrangement of atoms. In the gemstone called “quartz” these atoms vibrate at a stable and measurable frequency, making quartz an excellent receiver and emitter of electromagnetic energy. Because of this, quartz is used in radios, watches, and numerous electronic technologies. Nobel prize-winning scientist Marcel Vogel discovered that crystals can not only be programmed like silicon chips in a computer, but can also be programmed with the energy of consciousness. He discovered that when a person uses a computer, thoughts are directed to the computer by pressing the keyboard, that information is stored in the computer’s silicon chips through electricity. Vogel then correctly reasoned that, like electricity, thought is a form of energy that can be given direction by what we call “intention.” He concluded from this discovery that crystals could also be programmed without the need for electricity, using only thoughts as informational energy.

Quartz is what is called a piezoelectric material. A piezoelectric substance is something that produces an electrical charge when a mechanical stress is applied. When the piezoelectric material is subjected to mechanical stress, a displacement of the positive and negative charge centers of the material occurs, resulting in an external electric field. This stress can be caused by hitting or twisting the material enough to deform its crystal lattice without fracturing it. The effect also works in the opposite direction, slightly deforming the material when a small electrical current is applied. While discussion rages back and forth on whether or not the piezoelectric effect plays a role in the healing relationship between humans and crystals, the fact that crystals respond so well to electromagnetic fields has serious implications. It has serious implications because our bodies are made up of and constantly emanate electromagnetic fields and crystals and gemstones respond to this electricity that is creating and coursing through our bodies. Another interesting finding is that quartz is composed of silicon and oxygen (SiO2), a combination known to geologists as the building block of all minerals. Our planet is made up of minerals that contain silicon and oxygen. Silicon is an important component of our human bodies. Some of the more science-oriented people have theorized that the transfer of energy from natural crystal to silicon within our own bodies might have something to do with the physical healing effect caused by exposure to crystals.

Crystals and gemstones are one of the most powerful tools available to us in the physical dimension of existence. It is a tool that all of us have unconsciously used at one time or another. It is often an interaction that takes place when our attention is drawn to a specific rock. On a physical level, we think it’s “pretty” and even though we don’t know why we like it so much, we feel compelled to take it and put it in our pocket. We have no idea why we feel this urge and we have no awareness of what is behind our urge to pick it up. We have no idea that our energetic substructure is calling us towards the specific vibration of that rock to synchronize with it and move towards a more cohesive healthy pattern than the one we are currently holding within ourselves. Like all tools, the key to maximum utilization is learning to consciously implement the tool. If this scenario mentioned above could go from a subconscious compulsion to a conscious process of seeking out a specific crystal or gemstone based on the knowledge of the benefit of using it, the person’s receptivity would be such that the effects of the drag would be a hundredfold. If we consciously recognized that our own electromagnetic fields are affected by the energetic quality of each crystal and gemstone, we would see that they create an electrochemical response within our body and psychology that would allow us to use them as powerful tools. that they are We could use them daily to promote health, awareness, growth and evolution within ourselves and the multidimensional lives we lead.

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