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Creativity: key to marketing your book

Creativity: key to marketing your book

Have you heard of the expression “think outside the box”, a metaphor that means to think differently, unconventionally or from a new perspective? I ask “And if there was no box?” In marketing your book, you are as limited as you are. The stream of creative ways to promote your book can truly be endless. However, creative energy requires priming the pump for the well to work. That well is within you. Your well is fed by working with multiple sources such as your readings, your contacts, your inspiration and your social networks.

If you dream of becoming a creative entrepreneur, you’ll want to start investing in one specific area: yourself. Since your creative energy can be compared to the capital of a company, you must maximize it, feed it, nurture it and connect with those who stimulate it. In addition to regularly flexing your creative marketing muscle through practice, effort, and exercise, there are a number of other things you can do to stay creative and keep your ideas, your process, and your productivity working in your favor.

  1. Read, read, read, read you are a mixed bag of what you let into your life, so read deeply and widely within and outside of your own area of ​​expertise. Read your competitors’ blogs to learn what their marketing efforts are, read their books to learn their similarities and differences. Read newspapers and magazines to see who is writing about what and what the current issues are.

  2. Keep a slip file. Keep a notebook or scrapbook where you can copy new contacts, good ideas, and random thoughts you have as you interact with the world. Keep it close at all times and refer to it often.

  3. Participate with your friends and contacts. Go out and socialize with people who encourage you and support what you are doing. While chatting with a friend, you might overhear something in the conversation that will inspire a new angle for your marketing efforts. Or hearing what your friends are talking about might inspire a way to follow a new trend.

  4. Find inspiration or ask yourself every day: What do you do to rejuvenate? Do you meditate? Maybe you play racquetball? Or do you cool off with a walk with your dogs? Where do you go to find inspiration? Sitting quietly in a park? Or drink a latte in a busy cafe? When we create daily activities that first fit our personalities, then rejuvenate and inspire, creativity will always find us.

  5. Share something small every day. Offer your thoughts, your inspiration or create a discussion every day that is useful or interesting to the people in your social networks, as well as those you are trying to reach. Small daily efforts add up to something big over time. Blogs don’t need to be long, they can be just a paragraph or two.

On top of this, you’ll want to invest in your creative marketing efforts in a number of ways. Try to set aside time each day to focus on your project, even if nothing is flowing particularly smoothly. Waiting for inspiration to hit can be a huge waste of energy. Most big ideas come from a bunch of little ideas accumulated over time as you market, or even think about creating your next marketing steps. Take your daily creative routine as seriously as you would your actual work. Show up on time. You know that you will always give your best. And remember to have fun.

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