Chinese astrology: year and month

Chinese astrology: year and month

In ancient times, the Chinese had discovered to their amazement that the universe is made up of energy fields known to them as “Qi”. They believed that the Sun, Moon, Earth, and other planets in the Solar System radiate cosmic energy that constantly changes over time depending on the relative positions of the planets.

The discovery had led to the creation of the Chinese calendar which is based on the movement of this cosmic energy. The Chinese traced this cosmic energy on 22 energy pillars known as the Ten Heavenly Stems and the Twelve Earthly Branches (equivalent to the Twelve signs of the Zodiac). From these combinations of celestial stems and terrestrial branches, the Chinese solar calendar (Hsia) is derived, which is quite similar to the Western Gregorian calendar in that it is also based on the orbit of the earth around the sun. However, instead of starting the year on January 1, the Chinese solar calendar begins the year on spring 1, which falls around February 4. This calendar is also used in the practice of Feng Shui and Chinese astrology known as the Four Pillars of Destiny.

Based on a person’s date and time of birth, the influence of this cosmic energy on the newborn is said to trace the destiny and characteristics of that particular person.

So how does the Chinese solar calendar determine whether a day is good or bad?

These are the days when the zodiac sign of the year collides with the zodiac sign of the day.

The twelve signs of the zodiac and their clashes are as follows: –

Rat collides with horse

Ox collides with Goat

Tiger collides with monkey

Rabbit collides with Rooster

Dragon collides with dog

The snake collides with the pig

For example, in the year of the Pig (solar year 2007), the Pig collides with the Serpent of the day. Therefore, a person who is born in the year of the Pig will have a bad day on the day of the Snake. Therefore, any day of the Snake in 2007 is called an interruption day of the year and is considered unfavorable.

There is also the day of the month break. This happens when the Zodiac of the month collides with the Zodiac of the day. For example, in the month of the Dog (ninth solar month), the Dog collides with the Dragon of the day. Therefore, any Dragon day in the ninth solar month is a Month Break day and is considered unfavorable.

This is just a quick and easy way in a complicated date selection system used in Chinese astrology.

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