International Reverse Phone Lookup System

By now, we all know what a reverse phone lookup system can do for us. But so far we have been talking about search results for local or national phone numbers. But what about international numbers? There are websites that also allow reverse phone lookups for international numbers. How amazing is that? Imagine that you have an international number but […]

Why your ad spend is a waste of money

It is the most important difference between simply reaching customers and actually touching them. For most of us, it’s not that hard to remember a time when television, radio, print ads, and even (God forbid) telemarketing calls were the only way to get the word out about your business. Successful marketing was much more about how much money companies could […]

Advantages and disadvantages of prepaid cell phones

We constantly see commercials on TV promoting cell phones and cell phone carriers with what they call great introductory deals if you sign up with them on their network. Is it worth signing a one-year contract with a cell phone operator? Well, that’s a question you need to answer for yourself, although the price may seem attractive, you need to […]

National Lampoon’s Vacation (Film Review)

One of the funniest movies of all time, National Lampoon’s Vacation tells the story of a sloppy middle-class man’s quest to provide his family with the ultimate family vacation. Complete with a number of laughable diversions along the way and a great cast providing a host of hilarious supporting characters, Vacation is a cult comedy classic. Chevy Chase and Beverly […]

Artificial intelligence: a reality check

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the new black, the new shiny object, the answer to all marketers’ prayers, and the end of creativity. The recent emergence of AI from the arcane halls of academia and the back rooms of data science has been fueled by stories of drones, robots, and self-driving cars being undertaken by tech giants like Amazon. Google and […]