The best smoothies to lose weight

Many fruits and vegetables offer us a diet without added fats or sugars. Other foods help cleanse our digestive system and the rest of our body. Find out here how you can make smoothies to help you lose weight! Just as we can use certain drinks to increase our muscle mass, there are also shakes that can help us lose […]

Master Cleaning Recipe: Using Cup Measurements

Master Cleanse or lemon juice diet recipe 3/4 cup or 12 tbsp. lemon juice 1/2 teaspoon Cayenne pepper 3/4 cup or 12 tbsp. Grade B Maple Syrup 7 1/2 cup of gold 60 oz. Filtered water Mix all the ingredients together. Use an empty 32 oz glass juice bottle or plastic water bottle for storage and drinking. Makes 6 servings. […]

making love for the first time

Making love for the first time is not an easy thing, especially if you are one of those who has very little experience when it comes to sex. Whether it’s making love for the first time on your wedding night or with a virgin, there are things you need to keep in mind to make the session memorable for both […]

What to look for in natural skincare lines

I don’t know about you, but when looking at natural skincare lines, my first priority is finding one that works. The demand for more and more natural products has made the natural cosmetics industry explode overnight. What this means for us consumers is that we have to wade through a ton of information to find out what really works and […]

How to stop dizziness naturally

Have you ever felt as if the world revolved around you? Or that the darkness is absorbing you? Dizziness can range from lightheadedness to nausea, vomiting, and fainting. Depending on how it manifests itself, there are different types of dizziness. Vertigo is by far the most common type of dizziness. It is believed that a good percentage of people over […]