The road to the world of law

In the professional world, you must choose the right path to end up in the right destination. Nobody wakes up in a certain field as an expert with excellent skills and immense experience. Law is a career like any other and it requires all your efforts. Aside from passion, ability, potential or even talent, the vital thing that will make […]

Chronicles of Madness – Episode 10

In this, our 10th episode of Madness Chronicles, we’ll take a look at some criminals in Congress. Remember, insanity is an especially severe state of mental illness, extremely foolish behavior, and a state of frenzied or chaotic activity. Let’s take a look at some maddening “coincidences” that happen to our politicians. It is simply amazing. Let’s start with some hectic […]

Costume wigs through the ages

The role of costume wigs has not changed dramatically throughout the ages. They are mainly used for decoration and to hide hair loss. One of the most significant differences between the historical use of wigs and today is that costume wigs were also used to denote their social position in the past. Costume wigs date back to ancient Egyptians and […]

The importance of law enforcement in our society

Without proper law enforcement, the rule of law would mean nothing. There would be no one to protect him from harm and violence. Human beings are social creatures and we tend to live in cities, towns, and communities, where interaction between our peers is almost inevitable. Unfortunately, there will almost always be those who will not respect your rights as […]

Book Review: The Path of the Law

Qualification: The way of the law • Subtitle: Learn, understand and master the law • Author: Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. • Publication date: 2009 • ISBN: 978-1933230-08-5 Introduction The attentive reader of The way of the law You will enjoy the feeling of having a guide, a philosopher, and a teacher at your side, carefully guiding you to learn, understand, […]

15 time management tips for writers

Many writers consider time management to be at least a minor issue, while for others it can be a major issue, especially those who never seem to find the time to write. The following tips may not completely eliminate all writing time management problems, but hopefully they will minimize time management problems. Track your time. If you find that you […]

How to make your relationship work even if it’s difficult!

Broken relationships can leave two people scarred, and the situation makes it difficult for either of them to trust the other again. This is often the case when two people within a relationship cannot settle for a commitment which results in reoccurring fights and misunderstandings. Fortunately, there are many ways to make your relationship work, no matter how difficult it […]

Can Options Trading Make You A Millionaire?

Can Options Trading Make You A Millionaire? This is one of those questions that I hear from people new to options trading all the time and it is not an easy question to answer in my opinion. Sure, options trading can create millionaires and many, including myself, have made over a million options trade. However, can options trading make YOU […]