10 brilliant ideas to make your house well ventilated

Ventilation is important in any part of the house. It doesn’t matter if you live in an apartment or a palatial mansion, ventilation is necessary to make the house livable for its occupants. 1. Use light colored wood accents around the house. Light colored wood gives an area a relaxed feel. As well as allowing light to move freely within […]

Home improvement loan or personal loan

Personal loan or home improvement loan? That is the question. We love to decorate our houses. And there are phases in our lives where perhaps we’ve spent too much time watching Food Food or TLC and thus have built castles in the air of visions of turning our kitchen into a chef’s paradise. Or maybe our master bathroom is just […]

How Midday Serials or Lounge Serials Spoil Natural Life

Lounge series tend to weaken the vigorous sex appeal among viewers. They seem to propagate and project refined types of manners and behaviors in life, especially among the middle class society, but they have gone too far in the matter and have irreparable limitations and the worst outcome in life is obvious in the distanced relationships between different members. of […]

Creativity leads to family enrichment

CREATIVE ENRICHMENT FOR FAMILIES I found much enrichment in reading stories to my daughter every night until she was twelve years old. To this day we share those rich experiences. Many years ago we sat on the sofa and I drew pictures for my daughter. She told me how she wanted the figure to look and I, to the best […]

Porcelain mugs vs ceramic mugs

When shopping for mugs, a person is usually unaware that they all have different levels of durability. People appreciate these beverage containers and usually look forward to keeping them for many years. Cups are part of our daily lives, although their function is not recognized every day. Mugs are also often flimsy and heavy. Because the mugs are part of […]

Popcorn Machine – Invention And Development

Is the popcorn machine the most important invention to date? Well, consider this statistic: Americans are said to consume more than 17 billion quarts of popcorn each year, that’s more than 50 quarts per person, and that’s enough popcorn to fill the Empire. State Building 18 times. And where is a large percentage of this popcorn eaten? Okay, watching a […]

Guyanese Food – Great Fusion

Guyana, one of the four smallest countries in South America, is the only Nation State, part of the Commonwealth of Nations, on this continent, and the only English-speaking country in South America. Its population is made up of native aborigines, Europeans, (mostly English), Africans, Chinese, Indians….all this made up a fused nationality using the English or Creole language. The origin […]

Pineapple Rice Pudding

Everyone has an aunt or a grandmother who prepares the best rice pudding in the world. It is a simple dessert with simple ingredients; milk, sugar, rice, cinnamon and vanilla, with or without raisins, the debate continues. It is always served on Thanksgiving in my family. There is something about the warmth of cinnamon that makes it perfect for this […]

Very simple banana bread recipe

We all love bananas, right? They are a popular and highly nutritious fruit that can be found in almost every country in the world. They are the second most exported fruit worldwide after tomatoes, if they can really be classified as a fruit in the conventional style. There are hardly any calories in a banana to worry about and they […]