Book Review: The Science of Getting Rich

Book Review: The Science of Getting Rich

• Qualification: The science of getting rich

• Subtitle: Use vision, purpose, faith, and gratitude to build wealth, success, and happiness

• Author: Wallace beards

• Publication date: 2010

• ISBN: 978-1-933-230-11-5

Ideas and concepts merge in my own mind

I grew up having thoughts and feelings about almost every idea and concept in Wattles’s book. But it took me several years as a businessman and as a family man to finally bring them all together in my own mind. Only then did I realize that, since my teens, I had been using vision, purpose, faith, and gratitude to help me accumulate wealth, success, and happiness. When I was 19 years old, I already believed that to be a good Christian you needed to be a good capitalist. And to be a good capitalist, he needed to be a good Christian. And to be a good family man, he needed to be a good Christian and a good capitalist. But when I was a teenager, struggling to help my mother come up with the money to pay the mortgage and the utilities for our house, these were not ideas and concepts that I could easily understand. It was hard to see the “big picture” when bills had to be paid before we could eat.

But now, looking back at my family life, I have realized that my mother, with almost no formal education, no professional skills, no money, and with three young children to feed, inherently understood many of the basics of this family life. book. . My mother was not as eloquent as Wattles and she did not have many opportunities to put Wattles principles into practice. But my brothers and I lived and inadvertently learned the concepts of Wattles every day, through the actions of our mother. She taught us that even in the worst of times, if we stick with our unique vision to grow and prosper, we will survive; and act every day with the purpose of achieving our goals, that our faith in others and in our dream of creating a successful life help us to be successful; and our gratitude to God for keeping us healthy so that we could keep working and studying, we would eventually succeed. And finally we were.

Today, looking back at my formal education, it seems unfortunate that even after many years in public school, and many years earning three degrees at three different universities, not once, not once, were Wattles’ ideas discussed. at school. Four years of business school and the concept of being a “good capitalist” was never discussed. I’m sure those two words were never mentioned in the same sentence during my entire time in college. So when I found out The science of getting rich For Wattles, I was amazed and relieved to have finally found someone who was willing to openly discuss and share the very ideas and concepts that I was struggling to understand when I was young. Someone who was willing to apply the ideas and concepts of being a good capitalist and a good Christian to his own life and business. I couldn’t believe this simple little book wasn’t required reading in my MBA program. Perhaps your message was deemed too simple and unsophisticated. Well, Wattles’ message may be simple, but it is important. His message has lasted for the last hundred years, and it will last for the next hundred. And it is a message that all Americans and all who want to live the American dream must understand.

There is no big ‘secret’

Wattles’s message was important to me. And it is one that can help you change and improve your life as well. But I’m here to tell you that there is no big “secret” hidden in this book. Wattles’s book does not contain any major life-changing secrets. Everything in this book that you already know or have thought about at one point or another. What it does is gather and discuss various ideas and concepts on how to achieve and live a balanced and successful life. It is presented in a booklet, in a structured and easy to understand format. You may not have been able to put all these ideas and concepts together in your own head. Perhaps you didn’t know how to apply these ideas and concepts to your life, business, and career. This book will help you see and understand these ideas and concepts, and will show you how they can be applied to your life, business, and career.

Wattles uses short and interesting statements to show you how these principles can and should apply to your life. Chapter 5, titled “Increasing Life,” is probably my favorite chapter in the book. Here’s a quote from that chapter that sums up the theme of the entire book: “What God wants is for you to make the most of yourself, for yourself and for others; and you can help others more if you make the most of yourself. same”. than in any other way. You can get the most out of yourself only by getting rich; therefore, it is just and commendable that you dedicate your first and best thought to the work of acquiring wealth. “

Another recurring theme throughout his book is about getting rich and successful creatively (creating wealth), not competitively (me versus you): “You must become a creator, not a competitor; you are going to get what you want, but in such a way that when you get it, everyone else will have more than they have now. ” Wattles’ statements are practical, insightful and inspiring at the same time.

Build a rich and balanced life, business and career

This book may or may not change and improve your life. Changing and improving your life is completely up to you and only you. It doesn’t matter if you grew up learning and using these principles or not. You are here now, with this book in your hands. When reading Wattles’ book, you will have to look beyond all the media hype that has grown up around your book. Look past all the get-rich-quick schemes, books, and programs you can see and buy on the Internet related to this book. You won’t magically become financially rich after reading this book. This book is not about magic. It’s about making smart decisions and understanding what success is all about, and where success comes from and how to create it yourself.

Just sit back and read the book with an open mind. If you want to build a successful business and career that is in sync with a balanced and happy life, you will need to read it several times and then re-read it several more times. Once you get past the confusing and outdated terminology, you will begin to see and understand Wattles’ message. It is not necessary for an American to believe in God, religion or Christianity to understand Wattles’s message or to benefit from his message. You just need an open mind and a desire for personal fulfillment and advancement. Please read it carefully. It will be worth your time and effort.

After reading and internalizing the Wattles concepts in this book, you too should have a better idea of ​​what it takes to start formulating a life, business, and career, using vision, purpose, faith, and gratitude. , to generate wealth and success. and happiness. This book is here to help you take the first step toward the happy and successful life that you owe to yourself and your family. Now it is up to you and only you.

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