Attention Women Business Owners – 10 Tips to Stop Thinking Like a Girl!

Attention Women Business Owners – 10 Tips to Stop Thinking Like a Girl!

As a businesswoman and retired US Marine, I know what it takes to succeed in a man’s world. Women entrepreneurs need to stop thinking like girls. Women are raised to be kind, generous, and modest. Women are pulled in a million directions and are often placed last. These traits work well when you are a mother trying to raise children who will become model citizens. However, in the business world, women need to stop thinking like a girl and adopt the mentality of a man.

My ten tips will help you start thinking like a man and start running a profitable business.

1. Make decisions based on facts, not emotions. Stop feeling guilty. If a company you partner with or vendor is not honoring their contract or providing quality services, stop letting them make excuses for you. If your friends or family want you to do something that isn’t an income-generating activity and you know you need to focus on income-generating activities, don’t feel guilty saying “no.” Make your decision based on facts and not emotions.

2. Negotiate. Don’t be afraid to negotiate for a better deal. You know your budget and your business. If you want something but can’t afford it, negotiate. If you think the price is unfair or unfair, please say so.

3. Manage your employees. Stop coddling your employees and letting them walk all over you. Time is money. Lead your employees and expect nothing but stellar work from them. Being seen as the leader. Don’t let them guide you.

4. Demand fair compensation. Stop giving away your services for free. Stop letting customers blame you into lowering their rates. Men would not do this. The men declare their fees and expect to be paid. Don’t be embarrassed by your fees. Do your homework and find out how much similar professionals in your industry are charging and expect to receive the same compensation, if not more, depending on your experience and skills.

5. Limits. Set limits on your time and fees. Don’t let your friends and family abuse your time. Embrace an entrepreneurial mindset even if you work from home. Family and friends wouldn’t call you if you worked for someone else just to chat. They would not ask you to stay home and take care of a sick child or run an errand. Set limits so that your family and friends stop abusing your time and energy.

6. Think about billable hours. When you attend networking events or business meetings, learn to balance the conversation between business, current events, and personal. Think billable hours. You attend the event to promote your business or close a business deal. Use time wisely.

7. Ask about the sale or business. Stop procrastinating or being afraid of seeming pushy, just ask for the sale or business. Stop wasting the other person’s time. If you want to work with him or her, say so and close the deal or let the person say “no” and then you know to move on.

8. Speak with Authority. Drop the whining voice. Drop the apologetic voice. State what you want or need clearly and with confidence.

9. Learn to say “No.” Say “no” to things you don’t want to do or that you think are unfair. Don’t apologize for saying “no.”

10. Be determined and act. Make decisions with speed and authority. Stop sitting on the fence or being bland because you don’t want to hurt feelings or are afraid of making a mistake. Make your decision and follow it. Don’t apologize for your decision. Make your decision and act.

Women business owners don’t run a profitable business when they don’t run their business like a real business. It’s time to stop thinking like a mother or a best friend and it’s time to adopt the mindset of a man to succeed in the business world. My 10 tips to stop thinking like a child will help you grow your business. When you speak with authority and adopt the mindset of a man, you will close the sale on your terms. Remember, stop giving your services away… no more for free.

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