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Asian kitchen equipment: use it, love it!

Asian kitchen equipment: use it, love it!

When it comes to Asian cuisine, the best of all is the use of kitchen equipment. Asian kitchen equipment is so varied and interesting that many people would simply fall in love with Asian cuisine. Many people think that the wok is the only piece of equipment that is of the utmost importance when it comes to Asian cooking, but there is much more to Asian cooking than just the wok. Asian cuisine involves the use of a series of essential clothing for cooking.

However, the Wok is the most basic and essential kitchen equipment when it comes to Asian cooking. Most Chinese homes use the wok, which is made of steel or heavy iron. A traditional wok typically has two handles and is concave in shape. The wok can be used for various cooking purposes such as frying, sautéing, steaming and pan frying. Therefore, without the use of the Wok, Chinese cuisine is not possible. The wok must be kept well oiled to prevent it from rusting and drying out. This is essentially a very important tip for beginners in Asian cooking, as most people who are new to Asian cooking forget to keep their woks well oiled.

The next utensil is the crock pot, which is another kitchen piece of equipment that is widely used in Asian cooking. The Asian crock pot and the English stew pot are essentially the same thing, except the Asian crock pot is used over a stovetop instead of an oven. The clay pot is designed in such a way that the food cooked in it stays hot for a long time.

Another big favorite among Asian cooks is the steamer that comes in a variety of sizes from 6 inches to 12 inches in diameter. This steamer is made from bamboo and is also very attractive and can also be used as a serving plate. The steamer can have more than one layer, allowing you to cook more than one dish at a time. Using the steamer for cooking allows the cook to serve a variety of dishes with ease.

For Asian cuisine, the butcher knife is a must as it is used for a variety of culinary purposes. Using cleavers, cooks can easily cut through the bone with ease as it is made of heavy steel. The butcher knife can be considered as a tool of mass destruction as it can be used to cut duck bones and also to cut vegetables into beautiful decorative pieces.

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