Age Gotcha – What you see is not what you get

Age Gotcha – What you see is not what you get

Have you ever had a “gotcha” age? I spent a week visiting friends in Kingston, New York. We had a great time running around, shopping, admiring the changing leaves, walking the dogs, redecorating, shopping, shopping, shopping, watching community theater, and trying new restaurants. We rarely sit still and we never run out of power.

Then one afternoon, after spending a wonderful morning browsing through a collective of artisans, we walked into a charming little restaurant. After we sat down, I looked around and wondered if we had entered a senior’s residence. We were surrounded by what were clearly “older people”. Gray hair. wrinkles. Hikers. For a minute, I thought, “Why are we here with all these OLD ONES?” Then gradually I realized that these were my companions.

It was certainly a joy to remember that my colleagues and I are over sixty years old. It was also a joy to realize that you are only as old as you feel and act. While good genes and a good colorist can help, here are seven things you can start doing right now to up your own timeless factor:

1. Learn something new. Countless research studies link mental acuity to youth. The latest ones suggest that learning something very different from your normal interests keeps your brain more active.

2. Get moving. Remember that old adage, if you don’t use it, you lose it? Think of those muscles that do nothing but reach for the remote. Get out of the meat. If you can’t get out of the house today, clean something or move something or just walk or dance in your living room.

3. Meet new people. New people have different ideas, routines, stories. Put a little variety in your life.

4. Volunteer. This really combines 1 and 3 with the opportunity to feel good about yourself. Almost all organizations need help. Can you make phone calls? Help prepare or deliver meals? Teach someone to read?

5. Take a day trip. Discover a new neighborhood or visit a local landmark. Think of yourself as a travel writer for a day. Take notes and photos.

6. Look good. Never leave the house in those baggy and wrinkled clothes. Clean. Fix your hair. Check for stains. Basic stuff, and it makes a big difference.

7. Smile. People will respond positively to you and all that positive energy will keep you feeling young and vibrant.

Now get out there and DO something!

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