Health Fitness
A healthy body should be your first priority

A healthy body should be your first priority

If you’re like millions of people around the world, chances are you’ve tried to lose weight without success, chances are you’re a yo-yo dieter who started and stopped a few different diet plans just like many other people. When you start it is easy and you are very excited about your new goal of losing weight and you tell yourself that this time you can do it, it will be different, you are full of energy and without doubts in your mind. After week one or two, what happens? Your enthusiasm is starting to wane a bit and you may start to bend the rules a bit and start to fall back into your old habits. Why do we keep putting ourselves in this vicious circle? The reason for this is that we focus on the wrong goals. Usually our main goal is just to shed some of the extra pounds, what we really need to focus on is our health. Most people don’t start thinking about health problems until something is wrong, but wouldn’t prevention be easier than cure?

There are a couple of questions you might want to ask yourself: “How important is it to me to be healthy? Do I want to spend the rest of my life feeling sick, or do I want to feel strong, healthy, and full of life?” There are probably many more questions like that you could ask yourself, but eventually the answer will come to you and your weight and health will win out and dictate your future.

Just by taking a few steps towards your overall health, you will see that you will eventually lose weight too.

Time is often the biggest problem people have from not eating right or exercising. But the funny thing is that once we are done with some kind of illness, we can suddenly find the time, isn’t it worth taking the time to be able to spend more time with our children and grandchildren without feeling sick? I’m sure you’re not skipping maintenance on your car to make sure you have it around for a while, shouldn’t we be doing the same for our bodies?

  1. Pay attention to what you put in your body: fresh foods are always best, such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, chicken, fish, eggs, and meats. If 90% of your food is fresh, you will start to see a difference in your weight and health. If you look at some of the labels that come on food half the time you don’t even know everything that’s in it, is that something we really want to put in our bodies?
  2. Keep an eye on the amount of food you’re eating: For the most part, we eat larger portions than we really need, either because it tastes good or we’re bored or because we eat too fast and the brain doesn’t react fast enough to tell us what’s wrong. full. A study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows that women eat 300 more calories a day and men eat 168 more calories a day than they did 20 years ago. It only takes an extra 100 calories a day to gain 10 pounds a year.
  3. Make sure you drink plenty of water: There are several diseases that can be caused by dehydration, colon cancer, high blood pressure, and increased cholesterol levels. When you are dehydrated it is possible to confuse thirst with hunger, so by being hungry all day your body may be trying to tell you that you are dehydrated. The caffeine in soft drinks or coffee can cause dehydration and the artificial sweetener in soft drinks can increase your appetite and increase your food intake. The sugar and calories in fruit juices can add up to 10 teaspoons of sugar per drink, which adds up to about 150 to 200 calories. You should drink half your body weight in ounces of water each day.
  4. Your body was designed to move: How much do you move each day? As you know, your biggest muscle is your heart and it needs to be exercised. You don’t have to join a gym, it helps to just go for a walk or get a treadmill, get some weights, there are plenty of great books that show you how to do it. Just set aside some time each day to exercise, and remember that a little is better than none.

Promise yourself that this time it will be about your health and not just about losing weight; really take a good look at how you’re treating your body every day. You may be able to replace your car if you don’t keep up with the maintenance, but this is the only body you’ll ever have and you can’t just go out and buy a new one. Take care of what you have.

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