Digital Marketing
"A basic marketing technique unknown to 95% of most companies!"

"A basic marketing technique unknown to 95% of most companies!"

Yesterday a student of mine who is an affiliate marketer contacted me for advice. He told me that he had invested a lot in his website and the content on it and even had good affiliate programs. But still, he averages a very poor 1-2% conversion rate.

Without being the first nor the last with this problem, I decided to do something about it. The reason for this is a common mistake made by internet marketers.

And that mistake is Sell instead of Pre-Sell.

Before I dive in, let me give you an idea of ​​what I mean by presale:

Let’s say, for example, who would you buy more from?

– A guy making a sales pitch.


– A cheerful friend with great content, making recommendations.

The second, correct. Why?

Simply because it is preventing you.

By pre-sale, I mean to encourage your visitor by providing great content. In other words, you are selling the benefits of your product or service by getting your visitor interested and excited about your offer. (Anyway, if you’re not interested or excited about your offer, why should you buy?)

By doing so, you are making your visitor open to buy. And by having an open attitude to buy, your visitor will be more likely to buy your product or hire your service.

As such, your conversion rates will be maximized as will your earnings.

Therefore, you MUST pre-sell before you sell.

And in order to pre-sell, you’ll need to know your Most Wanted Answer (MWR). The MWR, as the name implies, is the most important thing you want your visitor/customer to do. For example, an affiliate marketer’s MWR when a visitor lands on their page is to go to their business site. And the MWR of the trading site is to make the sale.

So by knowing your MWR you can clearly visualize your goal and as such you can pre-sell your visitor to achieve that goal.

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