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Facts about tap water that you should act on to improve your health

Facts about tap water that you should act on to improve your health

Looking for facts about tap water? I have used a variety of sources, including the US Environmental Protection Agency, a study by the University of Cincinnati, and scientific researchers from around the world. You see, the safety of water for drinking, cooking and showering is a big issue, because people cannot live without it.

We can’t live without it, but can we live WITH the contaminants that are present in surface and groundwater? It’s not unusual to see environmental groups and public safety advocates looking for someone to blame for the pollution and toxins being dumped into our water supplies. But, the sad truth is that all of us are to blame, in some way, shape or form.

According to tap water data provided by the US EPA, tiny protozoa (commonly known as cysts) can be present in any supply… at any time. Facilities occasionally test for them, but public disinfection methods will not remove them. They can also be present in bottled water, since the only purification methods that filter them must be certified to filter down to one micron and on a large scale, that cannot be done. At home, it can be done easily. It just slightly reduces its flow rate.

The cysts are present in surface and ground water due to animal waste and runoff from farms. When consumed, they can cause an illness similar to food poisoning or can cause chronic gastrointestinal problems, even in our pets. If a person is highly susceptible to this type of infection, they could die from it. About 100 people died during an outbreak in Milwaukee a few years ago. But of course cysts are not the only problem.

According to tap water data compiled by the University of Cincinnati, all supplies in the US have at least some level of chlorine and chlorination byproducts. Chlorine causes digestive problems and an unhealthy acidic state, but the byproducts cause cancer.

Researchers around the world have shown time and time again that exposure to the amount commonly present in publicly treated supplies doubles an individual’s lifetime risk of cancer. That’s right, doubles.

Did you know that one in three people will have some type of cancer in their life? Did you know that the odds for men are one in two? There are many toxins in the environment that we cannot avoid, but we can easily and economically reduce the risk of drinking water by installing a home purifier.

According to tap water data provided by numerous researchers, exposure to disinfectants can occur during a shower, and that exposure, they say, is more dangerous than drinking chlorinated water. So not only do you need to have an effective filter on your kitchen faucet, you also need one on your shower head. You should look for one that is certified to remove THM. That’s what these disinfection byproducts are called.

Hopefully, these tap water facts have given you a little wake-up call. But, don’t run to your local department store. Those filters only reduce chlorine. Shop online, and not only will you find the best water purification products on the market, but you’ll also save money.

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