5 Ways to Work Smarter to Find Retail Tenants

5 Ways to Work Smarter to Find Retail Tenants

There are many financial analysts who say that commercial rental properties will improve in 2011. Unfortunately, that is still in the future and there are many owners who need help finding quality tenants immediately. There are many different ways to increase your property’s visibility through advertising and marketing tactics, but they take a long time to show results. The fastest way to rent your commercial property is to start using retail leasing software like Retail Lease Trac. It allows you to go directly to the source and find tenants who are actively looking for commercial space. Here are 5 ways Retail Lease Trac lets you work smarter, not harder:

1. Customizable search: Contact database is fully searchable and you can set your own parameters. It allows you to search for tenants by company name, the amount of space they need, the type of facility they need, and the location they are interested in. Once you’ve finished your research, your custom searches and all results can be saved on company servers to prevent accidental loss.

2. The program is online: You never have to worry about downloading new software updates or installing programs that might conflict with your computer. All the work is done in your web browser so you can search for tenants at any time, day or night. As long as you have a computer and an Internet connection, you can get your work done from anywhere in the world. It’s so much better than having to drive to work just to use specialized software or access a file.

3. Embedded Email – The app allows you to send out broadcast emails to all potential tenants in your search results. It can even be made to appear to originate from your business email account to make it easily identifiable.

4. Built-in Label Builder – If you want to run a snail mail campaign in addition to email, Retail Lease Trac allows that too. You can feed your contact lists into the label maker so they print out and are ready to put in an envelope.

5. Accuracy – There are many databases that claim they can give you clues, but how accurate are they? People may have changed their minds and are no longer interested in the rental property, but they have not been delisted. Retail Lease Trac contacts your 6,000 leads every 120 days to ensure they remain viable.

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