Hummingbird Legend Cake

A Victorian cake recipe that is truly exceptional. The perfect cake to bring to gatherings… easy, freezes well, serves many. “Impress your friends with this hummingbird cake, a recipe that has been passed down through the generations. If desired, crush additional nuts and press them into the sides of the frosting, and place sliced ​​maraschino cherries on top of the […]

Bipolar 101 – Welcome back to Mania my old friend

Mania is something that those of us with bipolar disorder welcome (at least most of the time). After all, who doesn’t love unlimited energy, the need to never sleep, and the best frame of mind in the world? Well, it may sound great, and like it’s an amazing moment, but it can actually be a very scary moment. Your judgment […]

How can I get spilled coffee off my mattress?

Isn’t it nice to have a steaming coffee in your bed on a lazy morning? In fact, it’s nice until you spilled it on your mattress. This is reminiscent of an emergency situation. Unlike clothes, when you spill coffee on it, you can throw it in the washing machine. You can’t just do that with your mattress. Also, you cannot […]

Role and duties of the company secretary during meetings

The Company Secretary organizes meetings, including AGMs, and maintains formal records of the group’s processes and decisions: the meeting minutes. This may include keeping records of correspondence. The functions of the Secretary in relation to the meetings of the Board of Directors and Shareholders before the meeting is held, at the meeting and after the meeting are described below: Functions […]

Important SEO Benefits for Small Businesses

SEO is often considered important for larger businesses, but it’s just as important for small businesses that want to grow their reach and become successful organizations. SEO is helpful to small businesses in a number of ways, including allowing them to build well-functioning and easy-to-use websites, improve search engine rankings, and attract even more potential customers. Let’s go over some […]

Simple steps to get a flat stomach

Many people dream of having a flat stomach but very few achieve it. Reducing belly fat is not difficult if you have proper knowledge of how to reduce it. There are many ways to reduce belly fat that are proven and do not cause any problems. Having a flat stomach is what everyone dreams of, but for that you have […]