Arts Entertainments
11 alternative garden games

11 alternative garden games

Tired of the same thing when it comes to entertaining your garden party guests? Tired of boring badminton and jarts? Croquet not your style? Then you are in the right place! Here are games that are sure to make your next party the hit of the gardening social season!


Game No. # 1: The Mosquito Slap

Equipment needed: a garden of any size.

When your guests arrive, take them on the mandatory “walk in the garden.” Tell them that they are welcome to slap the mosquitoes, but only those mosquitoes that annoy another guest; They are never allowed to slap mosquitoes around their own eyes, nose, ears, or mouth. The winner is the last guest standing. A great icebreaker!

Game No. 2: The three-legged butterfly chase

Required equipment: Rope or wire to tie the legs.

This is very funny. Firmly join the legs of two guests to form a three-legged contestant. Then tell them that you will untie them only after they have caught a butterfly.

Tip: For a longer lasting game, declare that the quarry is a hummingbird.

Game No. 3: competitive weed extraction

Necessary equipment: weeds of any kind.

This is a great game to reward the hard working guest. Participants do not eat until the entire garden is clear of weeds. Winner: The person with the most weeds eats first and most, and so on. This game teaches the rewards of the Puritan work ethic.

Game No. 4: The Wasp Dodge

Equipment needed: more wire to tie, a buried hornet’s nest or two (yellow jackets are best!), A small amount of kerosene.

With your hands tied firmly behind your back, have your players form a circle around the entrance to a hornet’s nest. Irritate the wasps by sprinkling some kerosene on the hole and oh boy! One step back! Participants are judged on style, grace, acrobatic self-defense moves, and number of bites.

Games to play while frozen turkey cooks on the charcoal grill

Game No. 5: Watch the lawn go dormant

Equipment needed: dry grass.

This is for those guests who performed poorly in the other games. The winner is the person who is still awake when the turf is declared inactive.

Game No. # 6: Wiggle for Aquatic Insects

Equipment Needed: A stagnant water source, such as an abandoned swimming pool, pond, or bucket. Kids love this one!

The winner is whoever comes up with the biggest water strider. Competitive Spirits Incentive: Anyone rocking to the bottom to retrieve the hapless mouse that slithered about a month ago qualifies for the National Bobb-Off!

Game # 7: Slug Racing

Equipment needed: a slug for each guest.

We suggest two events: the 4 “sprint and the 2-foot marathon. Guests can tag their slugs any way they like.

Tip 1: Use an air horn to signal the start of races. Slugs are hard of hearing.

Tip 2: Participants in the game “Watch the Lawn Go Dormant” can play this game simultaneously.

Game # 8: Hornet’s Nest PiƱata

Equipment needed: 1 large wasp nest, a stick long enough to reach the nest, a blindfold.

This game really livens things up after the slower pace of slug races and helps get you down to business on dinner.

Game # 9: Mowing the Lawn Blindfolded

Equipment Needed: A lawn mower and the Hornet’s Nest Pinata game blindfold if it’s not too bloody.

Everyone loves this sport! One by one, the guests are blindfolded and told to cut the lawn. The winner is the contestant who runs over the fewest trees, bushes, flowers, pets, and other guests. Lotsa laughs!

Time-saving tip: dial 911 before the game starts.

Games for After Dark

Game # 10: Firefly Shooting

Required equipment: a compressed air pistol for everyone.

After a fun day of activities and food, gather everyone in the center of the garden in a large circle to try to nail some fireflies. The winner, and don’t expect one, is anyone who actually knocks lightning out of the sky.
Time-saving tip: dial 911 before the game starts.

Game No. 11: Feed the mosquitoes

Equipment needed: imagine.

Play this last game while enjoying the “goodbyes” in the garden.

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