Lifestyle Fashion
When you come to that fork in the road, when you have to make a big decision

When you come to that fork in the road, when you have to make a big decision

Are you at a fork in the road, has your life come to a crossroads? You are not alone, although the details of your life are unique to you and so is the next step. Many people have had a sleepless night or are sitting in front of their morning cup of tea or coffee thinking about a big decision in life. We all face them at different times in our lives.

Since life is full of decisions that can greatly affect the quality and even the length of our lives, as well as the lives of our loved ones, it makes sense that learning how to make important decisions is one of the most important parts of life. life. . However, how many people have a method for making decisions? I mean a defined process, a system, not just reflecting on things and finally taking something that seems better.

The truth is, for most people, decision making is one of those harrowing experiences that often leads to self-doubt and self-abuse later in life. How many men or women can say that he or she doesn’t have one big regret in life? Very few people can say that, and yet each of us does our best to make a life decision based on the best information we have at the time and the feelings and thoughts we have to deal with.

Every choice we make throughout life, both big and small, from day to day, has a purpose. The goal and purpose of life for most of us is happiness, fulfillment, usefulness. The happiness and fulfillment are self-explanatory, but the usefulness may require a little explanation. Humans have evolved as a cooperative species. We have survived on this planet because we learned to work together. Therefore, the drive to contribute something significant and useful to our fellow human beings, to be of use, is quite strong.

In times past, it usually meant contributing to the tribe. He may have developed a skill as a fire starter, tool maker, food gatherer, warrior, or healer. In some way, you were useful to the tribe and therefore your place and acceptance were assured. Even though human existence has changed over the millennia, we still have that helpful gene in us and it still drives us to feel like we’ve done something to help someone else.

So when we make important decisions, it is obvious that we must meet our own needs for happiness at the same time that we meet the needs of others. How do you know what will really make you happy? How do you know how to feel useful while satisfying your own needs and desires? The answer is inside you. It is encoded in your DNA and accessible through your subconscious mind.

While you may not consciously have the answers you need and may be struggling with a problem, there is a part of you that knows the answer. The problem is that sometimes we fail to access that part and get the right answer, then we make a decision and only after things don’t work does that other part, the one we should have listened to, start criticizing from within.

Since you will have to make big decisions for the rest of your life, it only makes sense to learn to access your inner self and learn to question it. It is a journey of self-discovery that is much easier than it seems and also a very enjoyable and eye-opening experience. It begins with learning how to quickly and easily relax your conscious mind and then listen and observe your subconscious. Trust me, it’s not as complicated as it may seem and millions of people have learned how to do it and use it all the time. Once you open up this wonderful part of yourself that is waiting to be discovered, your life will become more fulfilling and sleepless nights will be a thing of the past.

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