Solar Fountain Pump – Which Type Of Water Feature Is Right For You?

Solar Fountain Pump

If you are looking to convert an old outdoor fountain, solar fountain pumps will have you saving both electricity and money in no time at all. You can even order a solar powered solar fountain pump which runs on solar energy only by day and electrical energy only by night. With the increasing prices of electrical and gas, these types of fountains will be even more attractive to people who wish to save money and help the environment at the same time. Even if you are not planning to turn your outdoor fountain into a solar fountain, the cost of buying and installing a solar fountain pump is much less than what you will spend on buying new electrical or gas-powered pumps.

You may also find that you would like to use solar powered pond fountains for the entire house. The absolute best solar powered pond fountains are made from fiberglass or composite. They are very sturdy and durable, and very low maintenance. If you do choose this option, you should make sure that you get a model that is suitable for the area in which you live.

Solar Springbrunnen

Smaller fountains such as bird baths are quite popular as well. A solar fountain pump can easily be added to bird baths and will provide both enjoyment and water flow. A small solar fountain pump will be able to provide enough water flow for most people in a small pond. Some solar powered bird bath pumps are made with very fine mesh. This allows the water in the bird bath to remain in the bowl, without the water overflowing and causing a mess on the patio, deck or driveway. However, most bird bath pumps do not come with this type of mesh.

Which Type Of Water Feature Is Right For You?

If you wish to conserve energy, and keep your fountain running all year round, you can also consider purchasing a battery-powered pump. These solar panel fountains typically come with a solar panel that is pre-installed within the pump itself. This solar panel gathers solar energy throughout the day, stores it, and then converts this stored energy into electrical energy that the pump uses. In some solar panel kits, the entire solar panel is built into the fountain. If you are interested in a kit that includes the solar panel, be sure that you note the maximum wattage rating of the solar panel that is included with the pump.

Another type of solar powered water feature is a waterfall feature. These water features can add instant beauty to any pond or garden. However, if you are only interested in running the water feature during the daylight hours, you may find that these pumps are not powerful enough to run the water through the entire day. You may want to consider purchasing a battery-operated unit, which will allow you to run the water feature during the daytime hours and then store the electricity in the battery.

Once you have decided on which solar water fountain pump you are interested in, you will also need to take into consideration how bright the sunlight is in your location. Sunlight is always better than artificial illumination, especially in the winter months when you may not get as much natural light. The amount of sunlight that the pump comes equipped with will be determined by the manufacturer. In most cases, a solar water fountain pump comes equipped with enough sunlight to run for an extended period of time without using any additional lighting devices. However, if you live in an area that does not receive sufficient sunlight throughout the year, you may want to purchase a unit that includes additional battery power.

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