Signed authorization for your interview, do you need it?

Signed authorization for your interview, do you need it?

This was something that worried me a lot when I started doing audio interviews. Having to get a signed release for every interview you do with an expert can really bog down the process. Do radio and television stations get a release for each person they interview? Does a defendant who speaks to people on the street have to obtain a signed statement? NO.

In my opinion, it is not necessary to obtain a signed statement from each interviewee. Check with your attorney if you need to depending on what you are going to do with the interviews. Let’s say you want to develop a series of interviews and package them up and try to sell them to a big network or sell them for hundreds of thousands of dollars or something. I think it may be a good idea. I guess it doesn’t take much effort, but it would probably be a good idea.

I don’t think it’s necessary to do it at the level I’m doing it. I think an oral contract is good enough, but maybe something like that if you’ve compiled a series of interviews and let’s say you’re publishing a book and you’re a big publisher, I think they’ll want to know that you have the rights. publish this book and use these interviews. So in that case, it may be a good idea to cover your bases. A good attorney in your area could probably help you with that more than I could.

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