How to find a partner on interracial dating sites?

We all know that interracial dating sites have played a pivotal role in the growing trend of multiracial dating in the United States. The number of interracial relationships has grown in recent years, thanks to the growing openness between people to connect with people outside their race. However, despite the incredible platform that these dating sites offer, many people do […]

Multi-Family Rental Property – Buy, Sell, Rent

Many of us consider whether purchasing a multi-family rental property is a good fit, in terms of being, a component of one’s investment strategy and process. Like anything else, a smart consumer investigates and becomes familiar with the potentials, the pros and cons, and if it is for them. It is important to understand and evaluate the best buying opportunities, […]

The Dick Leftridge Story: A Forgotten or Simply Ignored Pioneer

Quick, raise your hand, how many of you have heard of Dick Leftridge before today? I must confess that I never heard of Mr. Leftridge until recently, when his son Jack Richard Leftridge Jr. contacted me. The younger namesake is on a quest to have his father’s name and accomplishments remembered and duly recognized in the history books. The timing […]

The best way to find breweries near me that welcome kids

Every now and then, I start to wonder how life changes when you have children. If you and your partner have an affinity for tasty, hop-flavored beverages, you might even ask yourself, “Where can I find breweries near me that can accommodate kids?” It seems a bit strange to think that someone would want to take children to a brewery, […]

Humorous Representation of Bad Values: A Review of the Adventures of Captain Underpants, by Dav Pilkey

George Beard and Harold Hutchins, the main characters in The Adventures of Captain Underpants, are pranksters of the highest order. In this installment of Dav Pilkey’s Captain Underpants series, George and Harold pull off a series of outrageous pranks at their elementary school soccer game. However, unknowingly, their evil headmaster, Mr. Krupp, has captured all of their antics on videotape […]

The Law of Attraction: Is It Too Good To Be True?

For many people, when they first learn what the Law of Attraction entails, they may think that it is too good to be true. After all, principles can go against what someone grew up believing. The idea that by focusing your attention on what you want and can manifest is a wonderful sounding concept. Being told that you DO NOT […]

Joseph (son of Jacob) and the business cycle

Business cycles are part of every capitalist economy. In fact, there is a reference to a business cycle in the Bible, as explained by Joseph, the son of Jacob. José had the ability to interpret dreams in prophecies that occurred in real life. In one case, Joseph interpreted the dream of the Pharaoh of Egypt. Pharaoh “dreamed of seven skinny […]