Top 10 Reasons to Divinely Connect

When you think of “The Divine” or “God” or “Great Spirit” or “Infinite Intelligence”, what do you think of? Do you think of love, compassion, wisdom, inspiration and miracles? In my experience, these are all characteristics of the Divine. The more I connect with the Divine, the more these characteristics become a part of me and the more I experience […]

4 Most Common Circumstances of Extraordinary Car Accidents

In some situations, car accident litigation can be a relatively simple type of case. But it can get much more complicated in cases involving substantial injuries with questionable insurance coverage limits on the other vehicle. The following article will discuss 4 main extraordinary circumstances that can often add complex issues to an emotionally and physically painful time after an accident. […]

Take advantage of custom listing building services to help your brand and business better market yourself

One of the biggest challenges a company/business faces is creating, updating, and maintaining a list that is accurate, relevant, and up-to-date. Social media campaigns and email marketing have become essential to the success of any organization. Today, almost everyone spends at least a few hours on the Internet every day. The web is the perfect way to refresh the memory […]

5 quick and easy ways to lose weight fast

Eat from the various food groups every day. If you are on a diet or have been on a diet before, you should know that sometimes it can be boring. That is exactly the reason why you should change your diet. You can still keep up with your daily calorie requirements, it’ll just take a little more creativity with your […]

Teach your employees to respect the chain of command

Sounds like some Army stuff, rigid rules and regulations. Gross. That’s the kind of thing we all hate to do. But it has an important place in business and must be understood for an organization to function well, especially if you’re trying to flatten your organization, become more powerful, and grow faster. Rank and chain of command are critical to […]

Effective Management of Ecommerce Cart Abandonment Campaigns: Best Practices to Increase Sales

Lots of eCommerce businesses launch every day and most of them will fail soon. Most people think running an eCommerce business is an easy job, until they try. An e-commerce business requires several elements to be successful, just like any other type of business, it needs to have highly qualified people, effective processes (in value creation, marketing, sales, value delivery […]

Skin Care: The Best Moisturizers for Oily Skin

Oily skin?. Read our tried and tested top 5 moisturizers for oily skin. Combats shiny T-Zone, combination skin, and acne-prone oily skin. Many people struggle with an oily skin type. Rectifying this problem and controlling shine could be as simple as switching to an organic moisturizer specially formulated for your skin type. Choose from our list of organic skin care […]

Book Review: The NEW Game of Business

If you think you’ve seen and heard all there is to say, The NEW Game of Business brings new distinctions and a new perspective to the world of business. This slim, easy-to-read paperback is so good it should be required reading in business schools around the world. Every business owner and every employee in the company, from the janitor to […]